Chapter 5

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Alex kept his eyes close when he woke up. He listened out for any unnatural sound. The first unnatural sound. The beeps of a heart monitor. I'm in a hospital... Alex can hear his own breathing. The oxygen mask amplified the sound slightly. Alex opened his eyes slowly. His eye lids felt a hell lot like lead right now. Suddenly there was a slight shift on his left hand side. Alex turned his head towards that direction. Yassen. He was asleep. Even in his sleep the assassin is so graceful and still has that dangerous energy radiating from him. Yassen is a light sleeper, he wakes up really easily.

Alex tried really hard to hold in the cough that was threatening to escape. It made his chest tight. Which meant it's hurting him a lot. At last he couldn't hold it in any more. It came out in a coughing fit. Yassen snapped awake, scanning his surrounding before realising it was Alex. Alex had pulled off the oxygen mask so it's easier to cough. "Ah. That was painful." Alex mumbled. Yassen offered him water which Alex shook his head to, he can't stomach any water right now. "Why do you have untreated injuries?"

"They are treated, just not properly." Alex said quietly, sounding hoarse. "They are technically the same thing if it's left not treated properly for long." Yassen shot back, his tone not changing. "Touché." Alex said, admitting defeat. "So, why?"

"I don't actually know... After the last mission in Cairo, I just bandaged up the wounds and went to school. I think, I forgot about it." Alex said sheepishly. Yassen blinked. How the heck do you forget you have injuries? "... What about the sniper wound?" Yassen asked. "After you told to go to Scorpia, which I did, don't interrupt." Alex warned as he saw Yassen open his mouth to talk. Yassen closed his mouth and nodded for Alex to continue. Alex doesn't even know why he is telling the assassin all this things. "I fouled one of their operations. They sent to sniper to kill me and missed by 2 cm because I was stepping off a curb." Alex said. "What happens after that? The wound isn't healed properly."

"Ah. That... While I was recovering in the hospital, people tried to kidnap a Russian billionaire's son, I pretended to be him and fought them off but a fifth guy came and overpowered me. They took me, threatened to cut off my finger. Left me and set the building on fire. I escaped, and tightroped across to another building." Yassen shook his head. "It seems to me that you are the one that likes to run towards the danger and not away." Yassen said, " you're recovering from a sniper wound and you try to save other people before you completely heal."

"... I can't let him get kidnapped can I? Those people that tried to kidnap him was a group set up by his own dad."

"But you don't need to save him. His dad wouldn't let anything happen to his own son." Yassen argued with an extremely valid point. Alex closed his eyes as a wave of dizziness hit him. "... You know, I was thinking about being your guardian, you don't need to work as much so you can recover. I can cover your finances."

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