Chapter 21

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Alex,Crystal and Ruby looked at each other after hearing what the guy said. "Woohoo... someone wants you." Ruby said. "Then let's go!" Crystal exclaimed. Alex took the file as Ruby opened the glass door. "Let's go guys! We're leaving to the airport. Pronto."
"Why?" Wolf asked as he straightened in his seat. "People know Alex is here." Crystal replied as she rushed out of the front door with the rest hot on her heels. She popped her trunk and rummaged in her bag. "Al, Catch." Crystal said as she tossed something to Alex. Alex caught it instinctively. He looked at the box. Painkillers. "I don't need them Crystal." Alex said tossing them back. "Why?! You're injured!"
"They didn't tell you guys did they?" Alex asked. "What? Tell us what?" Crystal called out to Alex who was already at the driver side of the car he hot wired here. He was fidgeting with the wires to get the engine back up and running. The rest got into the cars too. They were on the road soon after.
The device Alex got from Crystal crackled to life. "Mini James Bond." she growled. "What the f* did they not tell us?"
Alex was considering whether to tell them or not. The rest in the car are pretty curious too but they chose to shut up and listen. "Tell me right now or I will f*ing force that bloody answer out of your throat."
"Crystal! You know that won't work! He has been through worse! You're underestimating him!" Ruby exclaimed. "Who said I was gonna torture him?" Crystal asked. "Then what are you gonna f*ing do to a goddamn spy?!" Crystal kept quiet, letting the rest try figure it out themselves. Alex groaned quietly, suddenly remembering something. "You aren't gonna do that are you?" Alex asked. Do what?
"If you don't tell me, I WILL pull over in front of you right now and do it!" Crystal threatened. Alex's lips twisted into a small smirk. "... I'm not telling you." Alex said before flooring the accelerator. "Why you little!" Crystal exclaimed and sped up to catch up with him.
The thing is Alex's driving skill is better than Crystal's. He has more experience with a car chase than her anyways. "Damn you, Alex! I will get you at the airport!" Crystal shouted. Alex winced when pain stabbed at him. Yassen glanced at him, worried. Alex caught his eye and gave him a small smile.
"ALEX!" Was the only warning, on the airport runway, before Crystal tried to tackle him. Tried. Alex had her down on the ground before anyone could blink. "Dammit!"
"Don't try Crystal." Alex felt pain stab at him again, causing him to loosen his hold on Crystal. She flipped him so that she was on top of him. She grinned evilly at him. "Don't you dare." Alex said, squirming under her trying to get away. Crystal pinned his wrists down with her knees. She cracked her knuckles before she started tickling Alex. Alex started squirming more as he bit his lips to stop the laughter from escaping. He has to think of something fast before he starts laughing. "Come on Al, tell me and I'll stop." Crystal said. The others watched with amusement. "Give in, Alex. You'll never get me to stop unless you tell me." Crystal said. Alex can't open his mouth in fear of him laughing out loud. Alex moved his hands so he can grab hold of a spot on her knees. "Owwww!" She yowled in pain before she rolled off to rub her knee. Alex rolled away and sat up, clutching his shoulder were the stitches rip a little. "What the hell did you do?" Crystal asked as Alex peered into his shirt to look at his shoulder. "Pressure point."
"The heck? When did you learn that?" Ruby asked as she helped Crystal up. Alex stood up cautiously, making sure he doesn't pull the stitches on his legs too. "That's classified."
"Aww. Come on." Ruby whined and showed her best puppy dog eyes at Alex as they walked towards their private aircraft. Alex showed his badge and the security let them all up on board after making sure he was the real deal.
Alex plopped down on a sit and rubbed his temples. His shoulder must be bleeding a lot now. "Take your shirt off." Crystal ordered as she took out a first aid kit. "Why?"
"I am sure you ripped a stitch." Crystal said. "I'll do it for him." Yassen said as he reached out to take the first aid kit. Crystal handed the kit to him. Alex took off the shirt and Yassen got to work. He worked quickly and neatly. Before you know it, he was done and Alex had his shirt back on. Yassen sat beside him and the rest of k-unit sat in front of them. They were all facing each other. Crystal sat on his right and Ruby sat beside Crystal. "Tell us, please." Crystal said using the nicer approach.
"You have a disease? No. Diabetes! No... Are you gay?" Crystal asked trying to figure out what it is. Alex looked at her. "If I was gay, don't you think I would have accepted this mission more willingly and not say it's freaking disgusting?" Alex asked waving the file he was looking at in the safe house just now. She smiled sheepishly. "Last time I tickled you, it worked though!" Crystal whined. "That's because last time, the information doesn't cost me my life."
"You're saying that meeting James Bond and having a drink and a mission with him doesn't cost you your life?"
"It doesn't... Wait... The mission might have almost did."
"What?! What happened? Never mind! Tell me later! Now, what did MI6 not tell us?"
"... This information can cost me my life, Crystal. It already did a few times."
"A few times? If it can cost your life a few times, why can't you tell us?! What if it gets you killed again?! Please Alex." She begged. Everyone looked at him, hopeful. Hoping that he would tell them. Alex was quiet as he considered whether to tell them or not. Finally Alex sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "... I'm allergic to painkillers."

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