Chapter 19

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"Mini James Bond?" Crystal called out, worried when Alex didn't reply. Alex's hands squeezed the steering wheel to concentrate on the texture of it instead of his pain. "Yeah?"

"You heard what I said right?"

"Yeah. I did." Alex replied as the pain became excruciating. "I'll send you the report. You're leaving for it from the safe house in two days."

Two days?! He just f*ing finished one twenty minutes ago!? Alex pulled up to the side of the road and squeezed his eyes shut. "Okay." Alex croaked out, crystal hung up. Yassen had unbuckle his seatbelt and got off from his passenger side next to the driver. He walked briskly to Alex's side and opened the door. He checked the pulse. Weak. But Alex was still conscious even though barely. "I'll be fine. We need to go." Alex mumbled. "I'll drive." Yassen said flatly and carried Alex to the passenger side before climbing into the driver side. Snake wanted to check on Alex but he refused, saying to do it later. "Where's the safe house?" Yassen asked. "You know where. I told you before, Nik." Alex said quietly, putting all his strength into not losing consciousness. Yassen's mouth twitched into a small ghost smile. He had thought Alex would slip up when in this state. It seems like he has done this too many times that subconsciously he knows when to say what and when is safe to say something or call someone a particular name. It's shouldn't be like this. He doesn't need all this skills. He doesn't need to have to fight to stay awake. He is so wary even though he is with his allies.


Yassen carried Alex into the safe house. He was slipping in and out of consciousness. "Is... it just... me... or is it... really cold?" Alex asked as he shook violently in Yassen's arms. "Shit!" Snake cursed. Yassen laid Alex down on a bed quickly and stepped aside for snake to check. "He's having a fever." Snake mumbled as he took off Alex's jacket. They were all shocked at the sight. He was wrapped in white bandage that was already soaked in blood. "What the hell happened?"

"He must have bandaged himself up before meeting up with us." Yassen said. Snake unwrapped the bandages to clean the wounds. They froze at the horrific sight. His body was littered with scars, cuts and bruises. The worst scar was a sniper one. 2cm from his heart. He has a fresh bullet hole on his shoulder. "I'll go get the first aid kit." Fox mumbled, wanting to get away from the horrible sight. Alex stirred. He cracked his eyes open to look at whose in the room. "Cub, why didn't you tell us you were shot at?"

"Which one?" Alex whispered. "What do you mean which one? Where else are you shot at?"

"... One at my shoulder and two grazed my legs." Alex whispered before he suddenly passed out. "Damn." snake cursed before getting to work quickly. He is so calm...

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