Chapter 24

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Alex went back home numbly. His feet just took him. He didn't need to think. He didn't know what to think. He flinched at every slight body contact - a brush past, accidental bump when on the tube, etc.
When Alex got home he didn't even acknowledge Yassen who lazed on the couch reading a novel. Alex just glanced around as a habit to check his surroundings and shut the door behind himself. He glanced in Yassen's direction before heading upstairs. It's like he didn't register that Yassen was there. Something's wrong.... Yassen thought as he put the book down and sat up just as Alex closed and locked the door of his room. Yassen looked at the clock. He should make something for them to eat. He head to the kitchen and started preparing.
Once Alex locked his door, he slid down to the ground. Silent tears fell as his body shook. He fell asleep crying. When he woke up, it was to the sound of knocking. Yassen said dinner was ready. "I'll be down in 5." Alex replied quietly and hit the shower. He wore a pair of black slacks and a Jag hoodie. He headed down stairs and ate a little. Yassen fixed a small meal for Alex as he remembered that Alex was anorexic. Yassen sensed that Alex didn't want to talk so he didn't ask any questions. Alex got this haunted look in his eyes that scares Yassen. Not as in physically scare but as in it worries Yassen a lot. When they finished, Alex took the plates silently and washed them. Alex was going back up to his room when Yassen accidentally brushed his hand. Yassen notice he flinched and scrambled up the stairs quickly. What the hell happened?
The next day, early in the morning, Yassen heard Alex leave the house. He went downstairs and found a note on the dining table. Out for a run. I'll be back soon. Alex came back an hour later, earphones in his ears. He saw Yassen at the table drinking coffee and reading the morning papers. Alex tried to sent a smile at Yassen but he found that he couldn't. His inner battles and deadly thoughts stopped him from doing anything. Yesterday he couldn't sleep because when he closed his eyes it always flashed the memories of him getting raped. He stayed up to read a book. Hell he even almost finished studying a new type of coding for secret messages. He was hoping a run could get his mind off those thoughts but he found it only helped at the first half an hour before his thoughts drift back to those thoughts. Alex took a deep breath and nodded at Yassen as a greeting before heading upstairs to shower.
Alex came downstairs, dressed for his session as a part-time Karate student instructor, this was a morning one as it was Saturday. Alex hasn't tie his karate jacket(uwa-gi) with his black coloured belt yet. Yassen can see the hideous bruising on his rib area and his stomach area. His neck has it too. He was choked. Yassen just realise that Alex had been hiding his neck since he came back until now coz he can't hide it with the gi. Alex tied his jacket up on the way into the kitchen. When Alex sat down with just a cup of coffee, Yassen decided to ask. "Where else were you injured?"
"... A few cuts to the legs and a cut near the hair line." Yassen leaned forward to look at his hairline. There was a scar there but it was carefully covered with makeup and his own hair. "Did those need stitches?"
"Yes." Alex replied quietly. "You-"
"Did it myself? Yeah... I had to go on another mission immediately after I finish one so I have to do it myself." Yassen took a sip from his coffee as he thought about it. Mission after mission? Why didn't they give Alex time inbetween? Now that Yassen was well aware of the bruises and the stitches-needed injures, he noticed the winces of pain and the way he shifted cautiously so he doesn't hurt himself even more. Alex didn't stay long enough in Yassen's sight yesterday for him to notice those things.
Alex still has the haunted look... Yassen looked closer, Alex look like he was trying to hold himself together. Like he was gonna fall apart soon but he's gonna let go only when he is alone. "What happened Alex?" Alex shook his head. He doesn't wanna talk about it nor is he ready to talk about it. He can't even get over it himself, what makes him think he can talk about it? Alex was glad Yassen didn't push him. He was glad that Yassen was so understanding. He knew from Yassen's determined gaze, Yassen would get the answer out. He didn't care, he knows that he'll soon fall apart.

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