Chapter 17

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When that 10 minutes was up, they headed for the door but they heard gunshots. "I'll take the west hall!" A voice shouted. Alex. West hall was were the cell is. Yassen opened the door cautiously, in time to see someone being thrown past. The small figure twisted in the air and stretched out an arm, pointing the sleek black metal piece points the direction he came from and gently squeezed the trigger. The man crumpled to the ground as the teen twisted again to land on his feet gracefully. He had his head bowed as he clutched a wound on his stomach. He straightened quickly but he made sure his hair covered his eyes from their view. "I missed by 2 millimeters." Alex mumbled as he looked over. The neat hole in between the guy's eyes is enough but he is complaining about missing by a few millimeters?! That unnerved k-unit and Yassen. The kid... he seen too much and killed to much, he even can tell he missed a few millimeters. We have to help him. "Are you injured?" Yassen asked. "I'll live." Alex said before gesturing for them to follow. They notice he still had his ears stuffed with his earphones. Can he even hear us? But he answered Nikolei's question. So maybe he can. At a corner, Alex bend back wards to dodge a hack from a sword. A katana. A beautiful one. Black handle and polished and sharpened blade. Alex drew out his dagger to block the blade of the katana. They fought, moving closer to the clearing so they both have more space to move. "Not bad kid." Then suddenly Alex struck him with a move that he has never seen before. "What the-" the guy said startled at unfamiliar move. Alex continued to strike him without the dagger. Alex manage to disarm the guy after another strike with the leg to his wrist. "What the heck was that?"
"Its Kung fu." Alex answered as he moved so quickly he was in front of the guy holding his finger in one hand with his pinkie up. You'll see where it's from... "Have you watched Kung fu panda?" An innocent question but to hint at the guy as to what he was gonna do. K-unit face palmed but Yassen watched with quiet amusement. "Keep watching." Yassen whispered to them. They did. "Yeah... That won't work dude." It was what Po did to finish off Tai Long -I'm not sure if that's the right name. If it's not then he's that snow leopard guy-
"We'll see about that." Alex lowered his pinkie and you can see the panic in the guy's face. While the guy had been focused on their hands, Alex raised a fist and punched the guy in the temple knocking him out. Alex grabbed onto the guy's hand and lowered him gently to the ground. "He fell for a bloody schoolboy trick." Alex said with a quiet laugh as he remembered a time he did a schoolboy trick. His first mission, that security guard had bowed when Alex bowed to him and Alex kicked him in the balls. Yassen smiled. "Let's go." Alex said but he leaned heavily onto the wall suddenly. Yassen rushed forward. "What's wrong?" Alex waved him away and pushed away from the wall. "I'm fine." Alex replied, avoiding Yassen's eyes. K-unit was standing around them. "Let's go." Alex said but his wounds suddenly flared up in pain. He stifled a cry as he collapsed on the ground. "Alex!" Yassen said, worry laced his word. Alex's vision swam. "What happened?"
"It seems going against 30 well-built men on your own isn't the best thing to do." Alex said. 30?! He took out 30 well-built men?!
That was enough to momentarily distract them from Alex as he stood up, which snapped them out of their thoughts. "Let's go." Alex said as he hurried away, leaving no room for argument. They followed. What the hell happened? What are you hiding?

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