Chapter 13

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Yassen ordered and they waited at a table. Alex had been the one who chosen the table. It was in a corner, near an exit but away from people and you can look at everyone and everything without turning around. Alex had chosen it out of habit. Spy habits. When the waitress came to set their drinks, she blushed beet root at the sight of Alex up close. "Thank you." Her face and neck turned into a deeper shade of red. "N-no problem." she stuttered and scurried away. The waitress was mentally screaming her head off. Alex frowned before pushing his cutlery off the napkin and flipped it around. Cecilia. 527468916 call me xoxo was written in marker. "She's bold." Yassen commented, reading the napkin upside down. "This isn't the first time. Why me?"
"Because you're handsome."
"Stopit." Alex said quickly. "I should get plastic surgery..." Alex said suddenly. "Nah. I like you looking like this and besides, there is always a chance that the plastic surgery might fail." Yassen said, drinking from his ice coffee. Alex nodded in agreement and reluctantly reached for his drink. He took a small sip.
"I bet later a girl's gonna come and ask for your phone because she 'forgot' to bring hers." Yassen said, raising two fingers to make an air quote. Their food was served. Alex prodded at the food for a bit. He placed a small piece of fish into his mouth and chewed on it. He ate a sixth of the small fish and a few chips. At least he's eating. "Hey." A girl purred leaning down to show her cleavage as she placed her hand on the table really close to Alex's. Yassen schooled his features as he stifled a laugh. Alex looked up at her, not even once did his eyes drift down to her cleavage. "Can I borrow your cell? Mine ran out." Alex glared at Yassen that is on the up verge of laughing. "Uh..." Yassen nodded. Alex took out his phone and handed it to the lady. She tapped on the phone for a bit before handing it back. "Thank you." She said and winked at him before cat-walking away. Yassen laughed when she left. "See?"
"Stop it." Alex mumbled as he looked through his phone. Sure enough, she sent a text to a number. That number is probably hers and she just wants my phone number. The notifications flashed on his screen. A message from the number. Hey baby. The text from the number said. My name is Tessa. Alex looked over to the girl and saw her wave her phone at him. "Now what?" Alex asked. "A girl might try bumping into you and you would always save them from falling to their faces-"
"Pah!" Alex let out the breath to stop Yassen. "I don't need to know!" Yassen chuckled at Alex's expression. Why now? This is so awkward.
After they are done eating, Alex only had a few bite but that was an improvement. At least he's eating...

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