Chapter 22

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The shocked look on their faces was expected. "What?" Crystal whispered in horror. "How can be allergic to painkiller?! No body is!" She exclaimed. "MI6 made me allergic to it."
"How? How is that even f*ing possible?!"
"I don't know. They did it somehow... They rather have me endure the pain and be clearheaded. Then be in a drug haze and not be of any use."
"That is f*ed up! How can they do that?! Adults can't handle the f*ing pain, what makes them think you can?!" Crystal is pissed now. Very, very pissed. "... It got me killed a few times."
"What? How?" Ruby asked. "In the hospital. The doctors didn't know. MI6 didn't put in that I was allergic to painkillers in case it was used against me. They gave me painkillers and the effect was immediate. I couldn't breathe. My chest felt so tight and the pain increased ten-fold which meant my heart couldn't take it." Alex said quietly. Everyone was quiet as they absorbed the news. "You said a few times?" Snake asked. "Yep. It was still in hospitals. Different ones." Alex said with a shrug as if it was no big deal. "... I hate you." Crystal growled out. "Love you too!" Alex said as he continued reading the file. Crystal stood up immediately when the lights for the seatbelt sign went off. She was mumbling incoherent words, she is clearly pissed. Pissed at MI6. She came back with a duffle bag and a book. She dumped the bag at Alex's foot and threw the book at him. "You trying to kill me?" Alex asked looking at the book, a few sentences were highlighted on pages in no particular pattern. "No. I'm just pissed."
"I can tell."
"Yeah Sherlock. If you can tell, just read that damn book." Alex already started. He was flipping very fast. He only looked at each page for two seconds. "You aren't reading!" Eagle exclaimed. Alex only took his eyes off the book that he was already half way through in almost two minutes for one second before looking back at his book. "Are you serious Crystal? Why can't they just give me a coded document instead of this? This is the second book in the series. I've not read the first one. Sea glass by Maria V. Snyder?"
"It doesn't matter, does it? I bet you understood what the entire story is saying just by skimming through." Ruby said. Alex shrugged as he finished the last pages of the book. "I hate my life." Alex mumbled as Crystal came back with more files in hand and dumped it on Alex's lap. He doesn't look surprised by it, it's like he knew it was coming. That's because he does. The book highlight some sentences that Alex had to decode to find the hidden message. It was about him receiving more mission. There will be one that takes place almost immediately after he finishes the one he received at the safe house. Then there are details about what gadgets he get. Alex reached down, careful about not dropping the files, to look through the duffle bag. clothes, necessities, gadgets:
Zit cream -perfectly harmless on skin but melts metal -, steel studs - small explosives for distractions -, iPhone - GPS, listening device, tracker, file downloader ~ just needs to place it on a computer and it downloads files, downloads from thumb drives too ~ and normal uses of a phone -, gum -blows off door handles etc.
"What did you get?" Ruby asked. Alex pulled all the gadgets out for them to see. "Zit cream?" She asked as she looked at it closely. "Perfectly harmless on skin but melts metal." Alex said. "Awesome!! Why didn't I get this thing? Was this the one you used to escape that water tank on your first mission?"
"Yeah. That jelly fish was scary. It zapped Nadia Vole to death."
"How big was that jelly fish?" Fox asked. "It was a Portuguese man o' war." Ruby moved onto gesturing the size of it when MI6 went to the location to see if they can collect anything and they found Nadia Vole's body under the jellyfish. Alex just sat back, headphones in, and started reading the files Crystal dumped on his lap. "Al." Ruby called out. "What?" Alex asked looking up from the file. "Have you watch Lucy?"
"Where did that come from?" Alex asked, confused by the change of topic. "I'm bored! Entertain me! Have you?" Ruby whined. "Yeah."
"Do you like it?"
"It's okay. But the lecture that professor gives is boring."
"It's about immortality or giving birth!"
"Reproduction, not giving birth. There's a difference. And it wasn't about that, it was something about brains percentage. " Alex said. "See! You pay attention to it!"
"That's because I paid for it on Netflix."
"You should have watched it in the cinema though. It was nicer. Bigger screen. Better sound." Ruby said. "My house tv has a big screen too and the sound is pretty good too." Alex said, just entertaining Ruby, not really entertained by the conversation. "Which part of it did you like best???"
"All the parts after the bag of drug broke in Lucy's stomach." Alex replied. "OMG! Same!" Ruby gushed. "Crystal. Have you seen the swords in Alex's room????" K-unit and Yassen looked at Alex surprised. Why would he have a swordS in his room? "Of course I have! I went to his house with you didn't I?"
"Oh yeah! Oh my god. Did you guys see it? That sword was so pretty."
"You only like the handle and the sheath of the sword, Ruby." Alex said. "Duh. It has rubies on it!"
"FYI, its a katana and those are real rubies." Alex said. "Yeah you told us that." Crystal said. "I only did because Ruby kept asking if it was real."
"You said he had swordS in his room." Eagle said, emphasising on the word swords, especially the 's'. "Yeah he does. He had one with diamonds on the handle. I like the plain one. The one with the black handle."
"Me too." Alex said. "He has freaking lightsabers in his room!" Ruby exclaimed. "Oh my god. That. It was a Christmas present. I don't actually like Star Wars. But that thing is fun to play with." Alex had finished reading the files and placed it back to where Crystal took them from. He can't bring the files with him, can he?
"I just remembered something..." Alex mumbled as he sat down on his seat cautiously, making sure he doesn't agitate any wounds. "What?"
"They didn't pack shoes." Alex said as he kicked the duffle bag a little, letting them know what he actually meant. "I'm gonna have to buy them then." Alex said as he went through the bag to rearrange things. "What brand?" Ruby asked, having hidden motives. Alex apparently realised it too. "Why?"
"Just curious."
"... I'm not telling you. Last time, you ran through my ENTIRE house, checking my clothes brand, shoe brand and shower gel brands-"
"Why did she do that?" Wolf asked. "She told all the girls in the office what those brands were and they copied it. For months, they wore the exact same shoe brand and clothes brand."
"Who ask you to be so good looking?! All of them are head over heels for you. Even Ruby." Crystal said. Ruby smacked Crystal's arm and glared at her. "You traitor." she hissed. "Hah."
"And I am just gonna pretend I didn't hear anything."Alex said, Alex looked back down at his phone pretending nothing has happened. "It's Monica, Erica, Rita, Tina, Sandra, Mary, Jessica. It's in that order!" Crystal said. "No!! It's Monica, Erica, Tina, Rita, Sandra, Mary, Jessica." Ruby argued. What the heck are they talking about??? "Alex?" Crystal called out. "Hmm?"
"Which order is it in?" Ruby asked. "Monica, Erica, Rita, Tina, Sandra, Mary, Jessica."
"Hah!!!! In your face, Ruby."
"What are you guys talking about?" Eagle asked, not following the conversation at all. "A song lyrics' name order." Ruby replied. "Which song?" Snake asked. "Mambo number 5." Crystal said. They were all silent until Crystal decided to reach over and pull out one side of Alex's earphones. Alex jerked away as an instinct, his hands moved ready to strike. Crystal listened to what song he was listening to and decided to pulled at his earphones to get the music player out. Alex dug into his pocket to pull out the music player and tossed it to Crystal. She pulled the jack out and played a random song. Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson. "I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!" Ruby exclaimed as she sung along and did dances moves, she pouted when Crystal changed it. Super Girl by Super Junior M. "What the heck?" The song wasn't english. "That's Chinese." Alex replied. Then Crystal skipped it. "Oh my godddddd!!!!!! He has R U Crazy!!!" She clicked on it. Crystal is a HUGE fan of Conor Maynard. That just reminded Alex of something. He mumbled a 'I'll be back' before walking away. He came back awhile later with a piece of paper in a clear plastic file. The paper was crisp, it just came out of the printer.
He handed Crystal the file. She stared at it, her eyes getting wider and wider until she jumped up and started screaming her head off excitedly. She jumped around in excitement. "What did you give her?" Wolf asked. "You'll see." Crystal jumped around before she collapsed on the ground and started rolling around in happiness. "Pinch me. Punch me anything!! Right now!!!!" Crystal exclaimed. Alex sighed. "Give me your hand." She did. Alex grabbed her hand and pushed on a pressure point. "Owwwww!!" She looked at the file again, teary eyed. She wiped the tears away. "Oh my godddddd!!!!! It's reallllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She hugged it close to her body and got up. Then she engulfed Alex in a big hug. Alex didn't know whether to hugged back or not. In the end he did hug back. "Thank you so much!!!!"
"No problem." Alex mumbled. "What did he give you?" Ruby asked. Crystal showed it her. She wanted to touch it to get a better look but Crystal pulled it back. "No touching!" Ruby pouted but Crystal did push it closer for her to get a better look. "NO WAY..."
"YES WAY." Crystal said. "What is it?" Eagle asked. "Tickets to Conor Maynard's concert and a VVIP pass backstage." Crystal replied. "How did you get a VVIP pass?" Fox asked. "There is a use for this face you know?" Alex said as he sat down and pointed at his face. "What happened?" Ruby asked. "The girl selling the ticket blushed so hard when she saw me. Then she offered a VVIP pass to me-"
"Did she hope that you would ask her out for it?"
"Yep. She attached her number with it." Alex said. "No." Ruby exclaimed. Alex pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Ruby. "She shameless!!!!" Ruby exclaimed. "You're just overprotective about your crush." Crystal said. "Don't make me rip that into shreds!" Ruby threatened, pointing to the file. "Ok. Ok. "Crystal said surrendering.
They arrived in London and went their separate ways. K-unit back to Wales. Yassen back home. Alex heading for his disgusting suicidal mission.

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