Chapter 25

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Yassen accompanied Alex up to the place. Alex pulled open the door. No one... Weird. Alex stopped at the door, wary. He sighed and walked in, he placed his bag by a chair and looked around. They both kept quiet, then they heard it. A muffled snicker or giggle. Very soft but still audible, to them that is. Alex walked to a cabinet and yanked open the door before ducking down to avoid a punch in the face. Alex did a back flip to make distance between him and his attacker. The three students squished in the cabinet tried to get out and they tripped over each other. "Owww!! Goddamn Paul! Get your feet out of my face!" a girl exclaimed as she sent a kick towards him. Paul rolled away to try avoid the kick. "Ah. You've been learning." Alex said. "Yeah he has. He's reflexes got only a TINY bit quicker but he still can't dodge some." The other girl said. "Hey! I'm right here!" Paul exclaimed. "To prove my point." The other girl said as the first girl swept Paul's feet from him making him fall on his bottom. Alex looked at Paul expectantly. Paul tripped the two girls and jumped up before jumping away to make distance. Alex nodded his approval. "Not bad... Although, you could have been faster."
"I'm working on that." Paul said, letting his guard down. Alex and Yassen noticed it. In fact the girls did too. They pounced on him together but he reacted fast enough to dodge and keep distance. He is running out of space to move. He is only about half a meter away from the wall and the girls are gaining on him. Paul could violently make his way out but knowing Paul, he has this policy of not hitting girls. "He's not gonna hit them is he?" Yassen asked Alex. "Nope." Paul is on his own now. Alex and Yassen can both think of lots of ways to get out of that type of situation. But Paul has no experience whatsoever and with his policy of not hitting girls, he is in big trouble. "Dammit." Paul cursed, he gritted his teeth as he thought hard. Paul looked back at the wall and then at the girls. "He got it." Alex whispered. Paul jumped up and kicked at the wall before doing a midair summersault pass the girls and ran far away from them keeping distance from the wall and the girls. "Good job." Alex praised. Paul beamed in pride. "Did we miss anything?" A few more students arrive. "You guys missed the part where Paul almost got beaten up by us." The little children got into a heated conversation/debate. Alex tried to hide a wince as he sat down, Yassen notice it but chose not to say anything.
The lesson started when the instructor came. Yassen didn't miss the way Alex flinch at every body contact. "Do you need a break Alex?" The instructor asked, worried. He didn't see the tiny flinches but he surely can see that Alex's face is getting paler. The instructor noticed Alex's bruised neck when he walked in and Alex turned to face him so he made a mental note to keep an eye on the kid. "Thanks." Alex whispered before heading out. Yassen followed, just to make sure Alex would be safe. Alex went up to the roof. He leaned on the edge, looking out to the street. Alex hung his head as he took a deep breath. He ran his hand through his hair a few times as if he was looking for knots to untangle. Then he grabbed a handful and tugged at his hair because he didn't know what to do with his hands. Yassen noticed blood stain the Alex's pants. He must have ripped a stitch. Alex sat down on the edge and rolled up his pants, he noticed it too. What the... Alex's leg has a lot of stitched up wounds. He said it was only a few. One had clearly ripped and blood trickled down his leg. Yassen approached. "Hey." Yassen greeted. "Hi."
Yassen didn't know how Alex would react if he tried to help, seeing as Alex didn't really favour body contact and he IS sitting on the edge of the roof right now. He doesn't want Alex to panic and fall off. Alex pulled out a long bit of white bandages folded together, so that it can make keeping them easier, from behind him. Alex wrapped it up expertly before standing up cautiously. Once he was sure he got the balance, he slightly limped and walked back. "Wow, Alex, what happened?" The instructor asked when he spotted Alex walk in with a slight limp and the bloodstained pants. "An accident."
"A hell of an accident with that amount of blood." Alex shrugged. "You should get your injury checked out at the hospital." The instructor said as he walked over to get Alex's bag for him. "Thanks."
"Do you want painkillers? It would sure hurt like hell right now." Alex is allergic to painkillers. Curse MI6. "I'll be fine."
"If you say so." The instructor doesn't seem to happy that Alex was injured.
From the look on Alex's face in the car, Yassen knew he didn't want to go to the hospital. Yassen drove back home and went to get the first aid kit for Alex. Yassen sat and watch as Alex cleaned the wound and stitched it up after he showered. He did it so neatly and with no reaction, it was like he wasn't doing it to his own body or like he has done it tons of times - which he has, fyi - or like he was an expert in the field of medic. Alex bandaged it up and slid off the counter. He steadied himself when dizziness hit him. One from the pain and two from not eating enough. Alex mumbled that he was going to his room. Yassen offered to keep the first aid kit. What happened, Alex? Why wouldn't you tell me anything?

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