Chapter 26

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(An: Yes, they might make an appearance the pic from the top.)

3rd Person POV.

A day had passed, and the sky was bright like the sun. The ocean illuminated from the clear water, and the light begun to illuminated every window on the Iron Blood's base.

Somewhere around the Iron Blood's base you could see Y/N inside his home, where he was sleeping nicely, without any disturbances. The light pierce through the window and directly towards Y/N. Which he slowly woke up due to the brightness of the sun that illuminated from his room.

He stand up from his room revealing his black t-shirt, along with a long pants. He goes towards his Human size mirror to look at himself. He notices something is different, and he has now a white traces of hair on his bangs that is similar to Donnerkönig.

"When did this happen?" Y/N scratch his head in confusion. He didn't pay heed to it anymore. He then goes towards his bathroom to wash his face to clean, making his hair wet in the process.

"I should maybe take a shower already." He then proceed to take a shower.

After a few minutes, he felt refresh after he came out of the shower, he is now wearing a Blue T-shirt, and black pants. He notice that it was only 7:46 AM.

He then prepared himself to suit up in his dress code. He then grabs his hat and put it on. "Now this will do." He added.

He then skipped breakfast, and gone outside to wander around the base for the time being. As he was wandering around the base he met Köln along with Hipper.

"Guten Morgen." Y/N said for both of them.

"Morgen." Which both of them said in the same time.

"How's the morning for the both of you." Y/N said in a formal manner, which cause Köln smile, while Hipper smiled back.

"Huh? What happen to your bangs?" Hipper notice the hair of Y/N that is pure white in the bangs. Which she reminded of Eugen who has a red stripes of hair. "Are you copying Eugen and the others now with that style huh?" Hipper remarks.

"How silly of you, I made this style just for you. How truly unfortunate for you to accuse me." Y/N remarks while teasing her. Which cause Hipper to blush, and return to her normal expression and burst in anger.

"Huh?! What kind of assumption was that Idiot!!" Hipper said in a firm voice. Köln in the other hand giggled from teasing Hipper.

"To be honest I'm having a mix feeling of Lord Bismarck and Tirpitz in you, since the hair represent both of them." Köln remarks which cause both of them to look at Köln.

"You got a point in that, still don't you dare tease me again! or my guns shall be the one who will do the talking!" Hipper said in frustration yet a mix of happiness.

"Fine, fine, it was fun to tease you just to see your cute expression after all." Y/N added.

Which cause Hipper to blush, and ranted again. Causing Köln and Y/N to laugh for a bit. Then a few seconds later the 3 of them had calm down.

"To be honest, I don't know how why my hair just turn to white." Y/N said with a seriousness in his voice.

"Well, you either had it from too much stress, or some phenomenom happen which we don't know but we are safe to assume that you're fine." Köln remarks.

"That's a relief." Y/N added.

"Just be more careful alright? Don't push yourself too much alright?" Hipper remarks.

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