Chapter 2

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( An: I use Google translate i don't know how to speak germans but they are very awesome to hear.)


Y/N: I'm Y/N but i have another name Donnerkönig Bismarck-class at you're service.

Bismarck: eh?

Y/N: Hello Big Sister.

Well actually we are not blood related but our souls are related to each other but not blood and i can feel it.

Bismarck: I don't believe you i don't have another sibling other than Tirpitz.

Y/N: This is not a lie i have forgotten from history nobody knows who i am thus i was labeled as the Geister König.

Bismarck: Then i want proof that if you really are my sibling.

Y/N: Operation Rheinübung the moment that the Pride of the Iron Blood will fall in the ocean.

Bismarck: That is a top secret mission nobody knows that mission except us what do you mean fall of Pride of the Iron Blood.

Y/N: Can't you not feel it our soul is connected to each other and why did i even interfere and save you. Profit? Money? Power? No none of those things.

This is obviously not a lie's but i don't really like Profit,Money or Power they might corrupt me and change my personality that i don't want to become.

Bismarck: I still don't trust you as my sibling but you have save my life you are still my benefactor.

Y/N: I don't object with that.

Bismarck: Z23 will you take care my benefactor while i recover.

Z23: Yes Kommandantin.

Z23: Yes Kommandantin

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Z23: Folge mir.

Y/N: Ok.

Then Z23 lead me to a House were it has 2nd floor but there are all empty. Nobody has been living in here for like 2 years.

Z23: Sie werden hier bleiben. (Tl: You will be staying in here)

Y/N: Danke, dass Sie mich hierher gebracht haben. (Tl: Thank you for bringing me in here.)

Z23: I never thought you could speak germans.

Y/N: I was born with it.

Z23: But if we found out that you were deceiving us and plotting to destroy us we will going to destroy you.

Y/N: I wont.

As i put both of my hands in the air.

Z23: Good don't do anything stupid while im gone.

Y/N: Ja.

Then Z23 head outside and close the door.

Y/N: Now what should i do did i really make a smart to decision to stay here. Time will tell anyway what done is done.

The Rise of Donnerkönig (Male Reader) (Dropped)Where stories live. Discover now