Chapter 7

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14 more hours to reach Sakura Empire.

Y/N and the others were now safe and out of the danger. Y/N is still recovering from his injuries and laying on the ground with a white cloth surrounding his waist.

Y/N: I'm going to get scolded after this.

z23: Yes you are.

Y/N: Is there anyway i can avoid getting scolded.

z23: No there is no way.

Y/N: That sucks.

z23: Idiot! you are very reckless and you almost got killed and you saying you don't want to get scolded!

Y/N: Fine ill accept my punishment and i don't wanna lay in here for the rest of my time.

z23: Good and try to relax your body you're wound might open up.

Y/N: Got it.

Y/N then sit down and watch the others do there work.

Y/N: *sigh* Life is so mystery yet dangerous at the same time.

Y/N Thoughts: My injuries doesn't hurt anymore yet i can still feel the pain going inside my body.

Y/N: Is there really nothing i can do right now?

Then suddenly someone blow Y/N's ear and made his body shiver. Then he look behind and saw Prinz Eugen.

Y/N: Again with that teasing personality of yours.

Prinz Eugen: It seems even you heavily injured you can still talk allot.

Y/N: Of course i am, I am Bismarck class known for heavily armored and very hard to kill.

Prinz Eugen: You really are related to Bismarck you are tough to crack too.

Y/N: I'll take that as a compliment.

Prinz Eugen: Then again if you did die in there the others will be sad.

Y/N: That is why i kept my word to come back alive.

Prinz Eugen: Still that is too reckless just like Bismarck on Operation rheinübung.

Y/N: She ordered you to retreat so she can finish this mission by herself didn't she.

Prinz Eugen has eye's wide open she didn't expect Y/N to know what happen on that day.

Prinz Eugen: How did you know that!?

Y/N Eye's look over the horizon with a little seriousness.

Y/N: Same reaction as Bismarck but i will say it again im not a nice man that i will tell you my secret only if you truly gain my trust then yes i will tell you.

Prinz Eugen: *Sigh* A mystery man indeed you are to know such classify information without us knowing.

Y/N: You will be surprised when i gave you my answer and i hope you are patient for it to know it.

Y/N then smiled at Prinz Eugen and Prinz Eugen look at Y/N and she smile back also.

Y/N: So that is done my body is tired and im going to get some sleep and wake me up when we are close.

Prinz Eugen: Sure.

Y/N: Thank you.

Y/N then collapsed his body has now reached his limits.

Prinz Eugen: Y/N?

She poke Y/N on the cheeks but she notice that Y/N has collapsed.

Prinz Eugen: Y/N!?

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