Chapter 20

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(An: Hello everyone, i am now back and ready to make some story again.)

3rd Person POV.

Azur lane headquarters.

Inside the Dorms, you could see Enterprise is sleeping on her room, and a figure appeared on the door, and it was Belfast.

Belfast is currently trying to tidy the place of Enterprise, and after that she opened the curtain, and the sunlight has lighten up the room, which causes  Enterprise to wake up from her sleep.

Enterprise: Belfast?

Belfast: Good Morning Ms. Enterprise.

As Belfast was trying to tidy the bed of Enterprise, and Enterprise started to stand up from her bed, and put her usual clothes for the day.

Enterprise: You do know that i can do my this by my own self right?

Belfast: Yes, i know but i was assigned by her majesty to help you.

Enterprise then sigh, but she knows how persistent Belfast is, so she decided not to argue anymore.

Enterprise then grabs a chocolate bar, on her drawer ration, but Belfast takes the Chocolate bar on her hands.

Enterprise: Belfast, why did you do that?

Belfast: Eating this kind of unhealthy food, is bad to our health Ms. Enterprise.

Belfast decided to take her Entire rations of Chocolate Bar.

Enterprise: Oi! what are you doing to my rations?

Belfast: I am going to properly to feed you something more Healthy Ms. Enterprise, eating this chocolate bar shall affect your health, so i will be compensating this rations for a while.

Enterprise then grabs, a chocolate bar on her coat, but to be only stopped by Belfast, and take her away her chocolate bar, and Enterprise frowned from sadness.

Enterprise: My chocolate bar (╥﹏╥) she muttered.

Belfast: I will be helping you eat healthy food.

Belfast then grabs the wrist of and started to drag Enterprise in the cafeteria.

Enterprise: Wait! i can walk by myself, un-hand me right now.

Belfast decided to ignore the words of Enterprise, and kept walking while dragging Enterprise towards the Cafeteria.

3 Minutes later~

Enterprise and Belfast, are sitting on a chair, and the food could be seen on the table, and the plate of Enterprise was just a mountain of food, while Belfast has a normal Breakfast.

Enterprise: Thi-

Belfast: Eat.

Enterprise: Yo-

Belfast: Eat.

Enterprise decided not to struggle, and just ate the food on her plate, while the other ship girls are watching them from afar.

Nevada: This is quite new.

Nevada: This is quite new

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