Chapter 14

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Iron Blood Base.

1 Day later after the Battle between Sakura Empire and Azur Lane.

Bismarck: What on earth are they taking so long for them to return.

This cause Bismarck to worry about them for they are almost gone for a week and haven't return yet.

Bismarck then quickly call the Graf Zeppelin.

Graf Zeppelin: Guten Tag Bismarck.

Bismarck: Guten Tag Graf Zeppelin i have a mission for you and the others.

Graf Zeppelin: What is it?

Bismarck: The escort for the First Carrier Division haven't come back yet so i want you and the other fleet to go in the Sakura Empire to know what happen to them.

Graf Zeppelin: Ja!

Graf Zeppelin then salute and leave the office.

Bismarck: I hope nothing bad happen to them.

Then Graf Zeppelin called Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Graf Spee, Deutschland, and Karlsruhe to go on the mission to retrieved the escorts for First Carrier Division in the Sakura Empire.

Sakura Empire Base.

You can see Y/N on the house with a cloth wrap to his body.

Y/N: My regeneration is quite fast for only a day all of my wounds were all healed.

Y/N thoughts: My ship is damage again but luckily it only need 2 days to fully fix my ship that's reassuring.

Then someone sneak behind him without noticing it.

???: Good Morning Y/N-san.

Then it was Shoukaku who snuck behind him.

Y/N then looked behind and he saw Shoukaku standing there.

Y/N: How did you get in?

Shoukaku: I jump over the wall.

Y/N: . . . . . What?

Shoukaku: Don't worry about that.

Y/N: I'm just gonna forget you said that.

Shoukaku: That would probably better.

Y/N: So what are you doing in here?

Shoukaku: Looking out for you.

Y/N: How nice of you.

(An: Are you sure about that? Because i am very sure about that.)

Shoukaku: So Y/N wanna hear my songs?

Y/N: That would be wonderful.

As Shoukaku started to play a song through her flute each notes were beautiful this last for 3 Minutes.

Y/N: That was relaxing and comfy to my ears thank you Shoukaku.

Shoukaku: *giggle* and i am delightful that you like it.

There sitting beside each other while watching the Sakura Petals float down and touch the ground.

Y/N: How was your Injuries by the way?

Shoukaku: It's slowly healing.

Y/N: That's good to hear.

Shoukaku: Say Y/N are you free later?

Y/N: I think so and i don't have allot of things to do later except resting and i have nothing to do in the house anyway.

Shoukaku: Then Woul-

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