Chapter 4

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You could see Y/N is on the bed is still sleeping. Then his Alarm clock started ringing.


Then Y/N wake up from his sleep and look at the clock and push the button on the top of it to stop the alarm.

Y/N: My body is still exhausted from last night.

Y/N Thoughts: I swear im going to kill that author.

Last Night.

(An: This is what happen on Chapter 26 Unknown One.)

Y/N is feeding Friedrich Der Grobe.

Y/N: Why did i even agree to this?

Friedrich Der Grobe: Because you said so.

Y/N: Yeah that's my fault.

Author: Hey can i borrow the Memory Eraser.

Y/N D: Aahh!

Y/N then yelped because he got scared that the Author just popped out of knowere.

Y/N: What are you doing here!?

Friedrich Der Grobe: Ummm.... Who is he?

Author: You don't need to know my name sweetheart but i can tell you my nickname is my Name is Joe.

Friedrich Der Grobe: Joe who?

Author: Joe Mama!

Author then quickly grabbed the Memory Eraser and use it at Friedrich Der Grobe.

Author: You will not remember me! and you are married to Y/N.

Y/N: Hey don't spout lies don't listen to him he is a crazy man.

Author: Then Goodbye!

Y/N: Hey Wait!

The Author has Disappeared in an instance.

Friedrich Der Grobe: Husband?

Friedrich Der Grobe looked at Y/N with full of love.

Friedrich Der Grobe: Come here Husband!

She tackled Y/N on the floor.

Y/N: Oh no! what have you done author!!!

Friedrich Der Grobe: Don't worry i will let you feel good Dear!

Y/N: Come on wake up Friedrich Der Grobe this isn't you.

Friedrich Der Grobe: what do you mean this is always me.

Y/N: Eek!

Y/N Thoughts: Im a man i why did i make that sound and im scared right now.

Friedrich Der Grobe then head closer to Y/N's face and ready to kiss him.

Y/N: Why author why did you change her now i really want the old one fast!

Y/N Then close his mouth with his hand and the other one to block Friedrich Der Grobe's lips.

Friedrich Der Grobe: Don't be afraid im just trying to make you feel good.

Friedrich Der Grobe then reach for Y/N's hand who is blocking her mouth and his.

Friedrich Der Grobe: Please don't force me to use my own power.

Y/N: *Gulp* Hurry Author! i really want you to help me right now!

Friedrich Der Grobe then use force to stop Y/N for retaliating.

Friedrich Der Grobe: Be a good dear and stay put.

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