Chapter 6 Part 1

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You could see Y/N was on his bed sleeping and then his alarm clock started ringing he open his eye's and look at the alarm clock and then he started to get up and turn off the alarm clock.

Y/N then take a deep breath and release it.

Y/N: Another Day, Another World for me to explore.

Y/N started to prepare and head straight to the bathroom to take a shower after that he started to wear his uniform and lastly put his hat on and head down stares to cook some breakfast.

Y/N: Now i wonder what should i eat for breakfast?

Then suddenly a light bulb appeared above his head.

Y/N then look up and saw the light bulb.

Y/N: Why do i have light bulb in my head.

Then Y/N reach the light bulb and then crush it on his arm then dump it on the trash.

Y/N: There.

(An: You monster that cost 4.99$ for that to happen!)

Y/N: I should probably just cook Eggs and bacon.

Y/N head over to his fridge and take out the pieces of beacon and then the eggs and he started to cook them.

(An: That fridge cost me 99,99$ and don't ask me where i did bought it and please don't broke that fridge and don"t ask me too where i get the bacons i got the eggs from the chicken.)

As you could hear the sound of the Bacons and eggs cooking and fragrant they emit the readers started to drool and i am also hungry as the Narrator.

(An: Don't worry Narrator im also hungry)

Narrator: (T_T) at least someones care for me because nobody appreciate my work in here.

(An: Of course i worry about you. Without you nobody would be narrating my book and forget about them and i appreciate your work.)

Y/N: It's been a long time since i have this kind of breakfast.

After the food has been cooked he started to prepare the plate, spoon and the forks and after that he put them on the table.

Y/N: It is done my routine of breakfast is going to happen isn't it.

Then a knock could be heard.

Y/N: Yup here it comes.

Y/N the  head over to the door and open and saw Akagi and now what she is doing here and how dis she find my home.

Y/N: How did you found my house?

Akagi: Fufu that's a secret.

(An: She sniff his scent and found the house of Y/N.)

Y/N: What do you want?

Akagi: Nothing I'm just sight seeing before we go and i stumble around your house.

Well im not gonna ask how she did found my home but i should gain there trust since we are already allies but i still need to be cautious about her.

Now i think about it does Yamato, Musashi or habakkuk exist here because H-39 Friedrich Der Grosse does exist and i still need answers but let me ask Akagi Maybe she know that, and i should probably invite her since i already cook my breakfast.

Y/N: Since you are already here how about some breakfast?

Akagi: Fufu... Don't mind if i do then.

Akagi then head inside the house of mine and started to seat on the chair. Then i also sit down on the opposite of her Direction.

Then we started eating.

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