Chapter 16

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(An: So another week has been passed oof! Well i have allot of IRL Problems today so yeah that i wasn't able to quickly create chapters today.)


Sakura Empire Base.

You can see Y/N and the others on there house.

Y/N: The atmosphere in here is quite funny.

Y/N is making a tea for the others who have arrived in the Sakura Empire.

Y/N then proceed to place each cup person on the table and pour the tea that he makes.

Graf Zeppelin: The fragrance it gives is good.

Deutschland: To be able to make this i will praise you for that lowly Animal.

Graf Spee then take a sip from the tea and which she gladly like it while Y/N is just smiling at them.

Graf Spee: Y/N this tea is good can i drink this everyday?

Y/N: Yes you can but you must have limit or i might run out of ingredients for making them.

Graf Spee: Okay!

Graf Zeppelin: Since we are going to leave tommorow Y/N i hope you can fix your uniforms.

As she take a sip from the tea and her eye's goes wide for the the taste it gives.

This cause Y/N to look at Graf Zeppelin and he smiled at her.

Y/N: I will.

Y/N then stand up and head on the backyard and to look at the Sakura Tree and enjoying the view.

Y/N: Each of those petals contain a very important memory as they symbolize humans, The roots is our heart, the trunks is our body, the branches is our life, cut one branches our life span will decrease, Isn't that right.

As Y/N look at the top of the Sakura Tree and he saw Observer.

Observer: My, i didn't think you would see me to think you have such a keen eye's.

Y/N: You flatter me, but who are you and why have you come here.

As Y/N quickly stand up but he is unable to summon his riggings because his ships is badly damage.

Observer: I'm just looking closely to the one we expect.

Y/N Thoughts: What does she mean by that.

Y/N: Then your purpose for visiting is me isn't it.

Observer: *smile* Of course why would i be here anyway Anomaly.

Y/N Thoughts: So they know that i am not from this world this is interesting knowledge.

Y/N: Anyways since you already know me then i supposed that you can also travel to different realities, dimension or even universe.

Observer: You know very well, yes we can, for you to be even know that is truly surprising.

Y/N thoughts: Nothing is impossible since they can travel to each realities and dimension means the other theories are also true then.

Observer: Now then don't scream for help or i will eliminate you right here, right now.

Observer then came towards me and the Tentacles grabs each parts of my body.

Y/N: So what do you want..

As Y/N tried to retaliate but the grip of those tentacles are very strong but he also doesn't want to fight observer today for he haven't able to recover yet.

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