Chapter 12 Part 2

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I was sitting on the floor and watching the Sakura tree while there petals are falling down.

Y/N: Peace and quiet.

Then i pick up a cup of tea beside me and drink it.

Y/N: That dream is making me unease.

I will not let that dream to become true.

Does this world landscape different from mine or are they only the same.

Then i take a piece of bread and ate it. Even i have taken breakfast like 4 hours ago.

Y/N: What is wisdom cube? what does it do? Can we still evolve using wisdom cube? so many question that cannot be answered in one go.

Then i heard someone walking towards me and i look behind me and saw Admiral Hipper.

Admiral Hipper: Aren't you going to stand up? you have been sitting in there for the past 2 hours.

Y/N: 2 Hours sure time flies by.

Admiral Hipper: Of course it is and we need to prepare because your ship is almost done.

Y/N: Try to relax pushing our body too far can cause major damage to our health.

Admiral Hipper: Huh? of course i know that.

Y/N: We still have plenty of time and wanna join me?

Admiral Hipper: *Sigh* Since there is nothing to do might as well join you.

Admiral Hipper then sit right beside me.

Y/N: Since my ship is still in repair and it's going to be complete at night, we should depart tommorow morning.

Admiral Hipper: Why not at evening?

Y/N: The sea is much more dangerous at night.

Admiral Hipper: You are right.

My ears are itchy might as well clean them.

Then i take a pack of cotton buds out of my pocket.

Admiral Hipper: When did you even get those?

Y/N: From Atago.

Last night i have met Atago and Takao. Atago her personality is a big sister type and i almost got caught by her trap. Then we started to know more at each other and she was fun to hang out with.

Admiral Hipper: What are you going to do with it?

Y/N: Isn't it obvious im going to clean my ear.

Then i take 4 cotton bud and started to clean both of my ears.

After that i throw the used cotton buds in the garbage.

Then i saw Admiral Hipper is just watching and her face is telling that she is bored.

Y/N: Wanna clean your ear as well?

Admiral Hipper: W-what!?

Y/N: I said do you want your ear to be clean as well?

Admiral Hipper: Sure.... but don't get the idea that we are friends!

Is she a Tsundere...... if she is im going to tease her allot.

Then i made sieza position.

Y/N: Here.

Admiral Hipper then lay down on my lap.

Admiral Hipper: If your thinking lewd about this im going to punch you.

Y/N: Don't fret i will not do such things now show me your right ear.

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