Chapter 6 Part 2

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3 Hours Later~

As Y/N and others sailing through the raging storm Y/N could be seen in the bow of his ship his clothes are all wet and most likely he doesn't care he is trying to watch out for the danger.

z23: Y/N! Get inside! there is a storm in outside!

Y/N: There is no need i need to watch out if there any enemy attack us.

z23: Stop being selfish and get inside!

Y/N: Nein!

Y/N shouted for the first time.

Y/N: I know this is reckless but head inside i have a duty to do and that is to escort you safely.

Akagi: He is really dependable and my fur are all wet because of this storm.

Kaga: Mine as well they are really hard to dry too.

z23: You are crazy did you know that!

Y/N: Of course i'm crazy to protect you and escort out my allies to safety.

Prinz Eugen: He is serious about that let him do the work arguing will not going to do anything.

z23: *sigh* i don't to say this but you are right he is doing his work but at least he should come inside.

Then a giant wave hit the side of Y/N ship causing the ship to shake a little bit.

Admiral Hipper: Woah there it really is a very powerful storm.

Then z1 is walking inside the ship of Y/N and she saw a shower, a bed and many more.

z1: He got a shower, a bed and many more Iron Blood engineering is the best in the world.

Then Y/N on the other hand is still outside of his ship and a thunder could be heard as the ocean rage along with the rain.

Y/N: Patience Y/N we will eventually go to the sakura empire.

Then Y/N head inside the bridge and was checking on something then suddenly he saw a violet object heading towards him and then it hit the turret and bouncing the incoming shell.

making Y/N stumble a little bit and then he grab on the steering wheel to balance him self.

Then a fleet of ships with a color of black and a red traces around the ships body coming from the east.

Y/N: Enemy Siren!

Then the others quickly head outside to saw the Siren fleet.

z23: Why are there so many of them!

Y/N: I don't know but let's bring those suckers in the bottom of the ocean.

Prinz Eugen: I don't mind as long as the waves doesn't distract me.

Y/N: Then try not to get killed out there!

Prinz Eugen: Of course.

Prinz Eugen then jump from Y/N ship and started to transform and then you could 2 riggings that looks like a shark and then she started firing her guns at the Siren.

Admiral Hipper: Schwester is getting ahead of herself!

Admiral Hipper then jumped and also started to transform.

z23: I'll help!

z1: Me too.

Koln: Be careful everyone.

Then they jumped from my ship and started to transform also and started to shoot the Sirens incoming towards them.

Y/N: I'll provide some supports.

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