Chapter 13 Part 2

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King George V quickly shoot her main guns at Y/N along with Washington.

Washington: Get out of here sister! and take Belfast with you!

North Carolina then stand up and started to run away from the battlefield.

North Carolina: Got it! but you need to be very careful around him he is not very easy to deal with.

North Carolina then grab the unconscious Belfast and take her to safety.

King George V then tries to punch Y/N.

Y/N then quickly dodge and get behind her back then Y/N then grab the back head of King George V and push her on the water.


Y/N: Lay down for a while.

Y/N then quickly fire his main guns at Washington and then she was able to avoid all of the incoming salvo but Y/N was already in front of her.

Washington: *Gasp!*

Y/N then grab her riggings and Y/N then grab one of it's barrel and he started to crush it by his bare hands.

Y/N: It's futile to escape.

Washington tried to retaliate to get out of Y/N's grasp.

Then a thunderous explosion could be heard behind Y/N.


The salvo hit Y/N in the back releasing Washington in the process.

King George V: Are you ok?!

Washington: Yeah i am fine but one of my barrels is destroyed.

Then after the smoke had been cleared Y/N rigging was damage and you could see blood dripping from his mouth and waist.

Y/N: I have let my guard down.

Y/N then started to spin his flag and make a stand then he dash towards King George V.

Y/N then thrust the tip of his flag pole and hitting King George V on her waist.

Y/N: I missed?

King George V thoughts: If i was only a little bit slower my body could have been pierce.

Washington then started to fire her main guns at Y/N and then Y/N look at her and he quickly grab King George V arm and throw her in the line of fire.

King George V: Gah!!

After King George V has been used as a shield Y/N then came out from the smoke and counter attack.

Washington: George!!!

Y/N then started to fire his main guns and Hitting Washington riggings and her thighs.

Washington then fell down on her knees.

Washington: Eh... you are a monster.

Y/N: Monster? no i am a Human and i don't want to kill you.

Washington: Pitying me?!

Y/N: No my mission is only to retrieved what has been stolen and besides i have no reason to kill you yet.

Y/N eye's started to become red for a second and after that it was normal again.

King George V: Don't you dare turn your back on me!

King George V shoot her main guns but this time Y/N was able to dodge all of them and Y/N then shoot his main guns and hit all of King George V riggings disabling her to battle.

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