Chapter 5

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The 2 aircraft carrier or the First Carrier Division of Sakura Empire is now at the dock and i take a closer look the Aircraft carrier they are really massive and impressive as well.

Then i look on the bow of the Aircraft carrier and i saw 2 girls one with white hair that reach to her shoulder while the other one with a black hair that reach into her waist and they have a fox ears and 9 nine tails that looks from the folklore of the japan Kyuubi.

This should be interesting i have a giant smile on my face.

Akagi: Ara it seems we have a guide.

Kaga: Nee-san you're right.

They both look at me and Graf Zeppelin.

Graf Zeppelin: Get down here already so we can finish this much more faster.

Akagi: Ara why are you in such a hurry fufu...

Graf Zeppelin: To stop wasting time and get it done already.

That's new to me never know she has that personality.

Akagi: And who might you be?

They seems they can't see my whole body because my coat and hat are covering my body.

I looked at them and seems both of them are shocked.

Y/N: Seen a ghost? cause you are looking at it.

(An: XD he was entitled as Ghost king on his last world.)

Kaga: Nee-san that's a-

Akagi: A man this is new i never thought the Iron Blood has a man.

Kaga: I thought it was impossible!?

Y/N: Almost nothing is impossible Lady.

Yeah almost nothing is impossible cause i even myself doesn't know how i get here in these world im the first place but i am having fun right now.

Kaga: My name is not lady my name is Kaga.

Kaga then so the other one is Akagi.

Y/N: Ok Ms. Kaga i will sure remember that name.

Then both of them jump down and landed to the docks and they head closer to us and i'm slightly taller than them.

Akagi: Ara this is fasicinating.

She is clearly looking at me.

Y/N: Am I? but that is to your perspective.

Graf Zeppelin: Follow us we shall lead you to our Kommandantin.

Akagi: Fufu.. alright.

Kaga: Nee-san.

Graf Zeppelin and Kaga for some reason has the same voice must be my imagination.

Then as we follow Graf Zeppelin i saw Akagi smiling at me and it made me cautious about her but for Kaga for some reason i don't.

Kaga: Are you a ship?

Y/N: Getting some info even though we still don't know each other and yes i am a ship.

Akagi: My... Kaga-san aren't you getting bold this day.

Kaga: Nee-sama please don't tease me.

Akagi: Fufufu.... Allrigth.

Then we keep walking and then we reached Bismarck or my Schwester office.

Graf Zeppelin: We are here.

Graf Zeppelin then open the door and i saw Bismarck sitting on his chair and while the others are sitting on the round table.

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