Chapter 12 Part 1

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Y/N Dream world.

The sky is dark, while Bismarck is on the middle of the ocean and she is holding back the Azur lane Fleets by herself.

Bismarck: Is this really our end?

Y/N: Bismarck?

Y/N was beside Bismarck and he is watching the conservation between Bismarck and Observer.

Y/N: Who is she?

Y/N look at Observer.

Observer: That is for you to find out.

Bismarck: Is there anything i can do save them!

She said that in a louder tone.

Observer: I don't think so.

Bismarck: Then lend me your power so i can defeat them!

Observer: Why should i do that? you are only just a piece of data.

Bismarck: So what if i am only just a piece!? i just want to save them and protect them as the leader of the Iron Blood!

Y/N: What kind of dream is this!?

Y/N was confuse he didn't know what is happening right now.

Observer: Then what will happen if i lend you our power? no matter what you do it will not change the future.

Bismarck: If i can't change it then! i should make a new future for Iron Blood!!!!!

Then they started to fire there salvo Bismarck and Observer.

Bismarck and Observer didn't care for the incoming salvo towards them.

Observer then smile.

Observer: If you can really make a new future you must not disappoint me then.

Observer then toss a black mental cube to Bismarck.

Observer: Then here's a gift for you use it well and prove you are right that you are capable of making a new future to the Iron Blood.

Observer started to ascend and to the sky and watch the battle to start.

Observer: I will be watching you.

Bismarck then hold the black mental cube and then she absorb it.

Y/N: What is happening to her?

Bismarck then started to glow and her riggings started to change into siren looking.

Then Bismarck appearance started to change also her hair is now paled white while her eye's is still the same.

Y/N: So you have sell your soul for you to save everybody.

Y/N then started to grasp his hand harder to the point it bleed.

Then a blood started to flow out of Y/N's palm.

Y/N: You have sacrifice yourself because you have no more choice, to think you would go this far. Even this is a dream or a prophecy i will not letting you do that.

Y/N then pledge himself that he will not let Bismarck and the others to fall from darkness.

Y/N: I may not trust all of them from the start but they are exactly like human also. They need to experience more what is life not a weapon for mass destruction even the Iron Blood become an enemy to the world i don't care as long i am an Iron Blood i will also do that what i always do!


Y/N Thoughts: I may not be able to interfere in here because it's either a vision or a dream. Let's watch the outcome for her sacrifice if it's worth it or not.

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