Chapter 15

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(An: So it's been 1 week that i wasn't able to post this chapter did ya miss me?)

(An: Nvm i know you didn't miss me at all but thank you for reading my book anyway!)

(An: Don't take that seriously i mean it. It's only a joke)


Hours Later~

Y/N was still wearing his Yukata and he was walking around the Sakura Empire base and he was thinking what should he do.

Y/N: So why are you both here and i thought i would help the both of you separately.

Prinz Eugen: We have an agreement.

Shoukaku: She is right about that.

Y/N: Well what are we going to do anyway?

Prinz Eugen and Shoukaku then smile while Y/N's body started to shiver.

Y/N: That was weird.

Prinz Eugen then grab Y/N's arm and drag him leaving Shoukaku behind.

Shoukaku: Wait!!!!

Shoukaku has a tick mark on his head.

Shoukaku then chase Prinz Eugen and Y/N.

Y/N: What about Shoukaku?!

Prinz Eugen: What about her?

Shoukaku: Come back here!!

Prinz Eugen proceed to run away with Y/N while Y/N was confuse on what is happening right now.

Y/N: What even is the point for dragging me?

Prinz Eugen: Teasing her.

Y/N: You always tease everyone now let's stop before she get angry.

Prinz Eugen then stop and Shoukaku was able to catch up to them.

Shoukaku: *Huff!* *Huff!* Why did you do that for?

Prinz Eugen: Teasing you.

Shoukaku: You!

Y/N then giggle for this his first time feeling something different and having fun.

Y/N: *Giggle* Oh how adorable you are when you are angry Shoukaku.

Shoukaku then blushed.

Shoukaku: Ugh!!! Let's not get distracted anymore.

Shoukaku then grab Y/N and drag him this time but they didn't run.

Y/N: Well this is new.

As they proceed to walk around, Y/N was having some troubles and because both of them press there chest on Y/N's arms causing him to blush.

Prinz Eugen: Why do you look so red in your face.

Y/N: Do i?

Prinz Eugen: Yes.

Y/N then calmed himself and after that he was not blushing anymore.

Y/N Thoughts: That was unexpected.

Shoukaku: How about we eat first?

Y/N: Sounds good to me how about you Prinz Eugen?

Prinz Eugen then nod.

Then they go in the nearest restaurant and they found one and sit on the table and they saw Atago and Takao.

Y/N: Guten Abend Atago and Takao.

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