Chapter 19

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Iron Blood base.

In the middle of the night, Y/N could be seen on the outside of his house, and the entire lights of the iron blood base has been off, it was complete darkness, except for Y/N his eye's is capable of seeing in the darkness.

Y/N: My Plan starts now.

Y/N then sneakily head to the docks and then he summons his rigging.

Bunch of Cubes started to appear in the air, and then they started to go behind Y/N's back and forming 6 headed shark with each turrets on the top or in the side.

Y/N: Forgive me on what i have to do.

Y/N then jump on the edge of the docks and landing on the water, and after that he started to float, and runs away from the base.

But unknown to him, someone is still awake, she started following him without letting her be detected by Y/N.

???: What are you up to now Y/N...

Then as the hours pass by Y/N is now completely away from the Iron blood Base.

Y/N then scan around his area, and then he notice a mist is forming around him, so he quickly head inside the mist to do something.

Y/N then close his eye's.

He started to feel the entire ocean, and he started to feel a movement from the north, around 3 Km away from him.

Y/N: I was right, the sirens are very attractive to me, means the sirens are going to annoy me everytime i step on the sea.

Y/N thoughts: I must know how to use that power again, but that time i was close to dying, to trigger that state again i need to do that again, but i cannot it's too risky even for me.

Y/N then quickly hasten himself, and dash towards the enemy and face them head on.

Y/N thoughts: If i was able to use that again, without getting out of hand, or getting berserk, i must find a way how to activate it first.

As Y/N keep cruising towards the enemy siren, his riggings started to roar, and aiming his weapons towards the enemy siren.

Y/N: Feuer!


A thunderous explosion could be heard in Y/N's barrel.

You could see a white trail when Y/N fired his Main batteries, as the shell flew inside the mist and then you could see a ship with a violet trails glowing, and the shell that Y/N fired, penetrated it's Main batteries up to it's bridge, causing a explosion.

Y/N: That's one down.

Y/N Thoughts: Since those sirens, are invisible to my radar, i have to feel the ocean and listen to it carefully, and pin point there location.

As Y/N fired another salvo round in the mist, and you could hear 5 explosion in the distance, signaling that he was able to destroy 5 targets or he was only able to damage there parts of the ships.

Y/N Thoughts: Im at disadvantage here, i can't see them properly but i can hear there movements but that will only help me a little bit.

The sirens started to fired back and you could see lots Violet Projectile coming towards him, Y/N then started focus his mind towards those projectiles coming towards him.

Y/N left eye started to glow red, but Y/N does not notice it because he is too focus on the projectiles coming right at him.

Y/N then stared at those projectiles coming towards him, suddenly he can thinks faster, and the when he focus on those projectiles his surroundings started to slow.

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