Chapter 22

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(An: Sorry for not uploading any chapters quicker, because I'm having troubles writing now, and I have lost my writing spirit sadly. That's all I could say for now.)

Y/N's POV.

2 days later~

I am currently cruising around North east, and behind me was Friedrich der Große, we are currently patrolling around the area to eliminate nearby Sirens that are now appearing almost everywhere, and I check the map, and there is currently 20 vessels in front of us, that is 65 Kilometers away.

Y/N: Siren fleet 65 Kilometers away from the north of us.

As I look behind, and saw Friedrich Der Große, nod at my statement, then the two of us begun increase our speed, and after a couple of minutes, the sky begun is almost dark now, it means their will be rain again, and it's been 2 days since i saw Gray Ghost.

Friedrich Der Große: 20 vessels, we must eliminate those sirens as fast, as we could and retreat back to the base quickly for safer, considering the weather today will be harsh.

Y/N: This is going to be another storm, we must hurry.

Then we reach our destination, and saw the Sirens is unaware of our presence, I look at Friedrich der Große, and she look at me back, and nods, and surprise attack them, and caught them off guard, we fire our Main batteries at the enemy siren, and hitting them perfectly, and Friedrich Der Große shell hit the ammunition of a Siren Battleship, causing a massive explosion.

Then on the very back of the siren fleet, a Siren Aircraft Carrier, and launch a Siren Dive Bomber at us.

Y/N: Protect me, I will handle that CV.

Friedrich Der Große then nod, and begun covering him, and firing her Main batteries once again, and hitting a Heavy cruiser, but not enough to destroy it. Then the sirens begun firing their salvos at Y/N, and Y/N's eyes begun to glow red, and begun calculating of those shells trajectory, and dodging all of those shells very flawless, he then deactivate that ability, and begun to fire back at them, and a thunderous sound could be heard from his guns, and destroying a Heavy Cruiser, and a Light Cruiser.

Then the Siren Planes begun concentrate fire at Y/N which he change activate his Anti-air, and begun shooting down the enemy planes, and then a Dive bomber, was able to hit Y/N directly.

Friedrich der große: Y/N!

Then inside the smoke, was Y/N appeared out of the smoke, and cruising towards the enemy CV, and he has some bruise on his face, but he didn't mind it. He then saw a another Dive bomber coming straight towards him, but he jump causing the water to shake, and he then let his riggings do the job, and begun biting the planes into pieces, and exploding at the last second. Then in the air was a Siren Fighter planes, and begun shooting him, Y/N then use his riggings for shield, and begun shooting it with his Main batteries, and hits the cockpit, destroying it, unknown to him there was another Siren Fighter plane behind him, but he was too late to do anything, until a shell flew towards it, and destroying it completely.

Friedrich Der Große: Fufufu~ Careful my child...

Y/N just nod, and landing in the water with his 2 feet, and made a powerful dash, and finally reaching the Siren CV, he then made a giant leap to land in the flight deck of the Siren CV, and begun shooting it with his Main batteries, and wrecking it completely, until it explode, hitting the engine of it, he then goes inside the Siren CV, and give everything on the inside, and destroying it completely, and begun exploding on the inside, and finally Y/N then shoot the bow of the Siren CV making a hole to escape before the Siren CV explode completely.

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