10K Words Special Chapter

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(An: This will be canon in the story, also 10,000+ Words (T-T) I'm not sure if i can do it or not, but if i were to publish this, means that i was able to do it and i will be proud of myself.) April 14, 2020

(An: Also i hate my self for forgetting KMS Tirpitz birthday, i feel ashamed for myself, well anyways let's get this Special Chapter started.) April 14, 2020

(An: I'm Sorry if this special chapters take too long.) April 25, 2020.

(An: Did ya missed me? if you did do nothing, also i hope you can enjoy my 15,447 words, and have fun reading it.)

Iron Blood Base.

3rd Person POV.

April 1

In the plaza you could see Y/N, is in the corner sitting on a chair, with Tirpitz.

Tirpitz: Danke, Y/N for hanging out with me.

Y/N: *Smile* Just ask me anything, and i will do it as long as i can.

Tirpitz then smile at Y/N.

Y/N: I would never get tired from that smile of yours it will always make my heart warm.

Tirpitz: Flirting again, but it does make me smile.

Y/N: The Ice queen, does her heart already melt for someone.

Tirpitz then blush, but Y/N just keep teasing her, that he can't help himself, and do this everytime.

Tirpitz: Y/N, Danke for accepting my request.

Y/N: Here we go again, i know already what you are talking about, but it's not the right to do it yet.

Tirpitz: Eh? what do you mean it's not the right time yet?

Y/N then started to sweat.

Y/N: Oh nothing, i have said something that is not related to this topic of ours.

Tirpitz was very confuse, and she doesn't know what to do for this is her first time doing something like this.

Let's go back on how did this happen shall we.

March 31


The Day before Tirpitz Birthday, Y/N is currently planning the Birthday party by himself again without letting anyone notice him, except for Prinz Eugen, Bismarck and Graf Zeppelin who caught him doing suspicious activity again, which cause them to act.

Y/N is currently tied on a chair, with a rope wrapped around his body, there location was currently inside the house of Y/N.

Y/N: Do you really need you tie me up in a chair?

Graf Zeppelin: Yes, you always try to evade our question, and run away sometimes.

Y/N then look away from them, meaning it was true.

Prinz Eugen: Tell us quickly, or do you want me to be rough with you?

As she teasingly smile.

Y/N: You and your teasing again Prinz Eugen.

Prinz Eugen then giggles.

Bismarck: You are acting very weird again, and i know you always do something secretive behind my back.

Graf Zeppelin: If you don't tell us on what you are doing right now, we might take this up on a next level.

Y/N was hesitating of course but he just gave up, and decided to tell them, on what he was planning.

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