Chapter 10

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As the sun rises, a new day, a new begining will start.

Y/N then slowly open his eye's and he felt something is hugging him and then he open the blanket and saw Prinz Eugen sleeping hugging his waist and she reeks of Alcohol.

Y/N:*sigh* why did no one put her on her bed and she reeks of alcohol, Prinz wake up it's already morning.

Then Y/N look at Prinz Eugen and she is sleeping nicely.

Prinz Eugen: ehehehe........ you are too cute Y/N............

She is sleep talking.

Y/N Thoughts: When did i even become cute, but she is much more cuter and beautiful than me and her face when she is sleeping is adorable.

Y/N then has a smile on his face.

Y/N then poke Prinz Eugen cheeks.

Y/N: Wake up...

Y/N then poke Prinz again on her cheeks.

Y/N then head closer to her ear and blow it.

Y/N: Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty.

Prinz Eugen then started to wake up and she open her eye's and saw Y/N.

Y/N: How was you're sleep comfortable?

Prinz Eugen: What do you mean?

Then Prinz Eugen look around and found out that she was not on her room instead she was at Y/N's room.

Prinz Eugen: Looks like im in you're room.

Y/N: Would you like to explain that?

Prinz Eugen: I was drunk.

Y/N: Fair enough.

Prinz Eugen has tiny blush on her face.

Prinz Eugen Thoughts: He smell so nice....

Y/N: And can you get off me i can't stand up while you are hugging me.

Prinz Eugen: No you are quite comfortable like a pillow.

Y/N: It's morning already and you are already teasing me.

Prinz Eugen: Aren't you teasing me too?

Y/N: Good point and can you get off of me i still have some work to do.

Prinz Eugen: What kind of work then?

Y/N: Breakfast and checking my ship.

Prinz Eugen: Fine.

Prinz Eugen then get off Y/N and both of them stand up.

Prinz Eugen: Then i will be waiting at the kitchen.

Y/N: Sure.

Prinz Eugen then head to the door and open it.

Y/N: Before you go i have something to tell you.

Prinz Eugen: What is it?

Y/N: You are so adorable when you sleep talking.

Prinz Eugen then has a blush on her face.

Prinz Eugen: Watching me asleep are you.

Y/N: Never........ and you are the one who slept with me.

Prinz Eugen: Then see you later at the kitchen.

Prinz Eugen then closed the door.

Y/N: Teasing her was fun but even though she reeks of Alcohol her hair smells nice.

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