Chapter 23

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(An: Last Updated October 10, 2020 wow. Anyway I'm still alive. Here is Chapter 23 enjoy.)

Iron Blood Base.

3 Days later.

Y/N was currently on the port watching the sun, due to his ship trait his eyes were slightly being affected by the sun's brightness. The breeze flow through his hair and tipping off his cap off on the ground. He didn't bother to pick it up for a while.

He was thinking very deep, he knows his dream from the last time wasn't just a normal nightmare, but it's foreshadowing the future.

Y/N: How could I know if those dreams were true.

He said on his thoughts, while someone is watching him from behind, and it was Deutschland.

Deutschland then grabs his cap on the ground.

Deutschland: What are you doing here peasant, and you seems you have dropped your cap.

Deutschland then hand over his cap to him, which made Y/N smile and causing Deutschland to look at him.

Deutschland: What's with that smug smile of yours?

Y/N: It's a genuine, not smug one.

Deutschland: I never even get you whatsoever but, you seem trusthworthy enough, so I now acknowledge you to be one of our ally.

Y/N: Ja, ja.

Deutschland: Seriously, your confidence is such annoying sometimes, you peasant.

Y/N: Thank you, for trusting me.

Deutschland: I'm surprise you have the tolerance to ignore my tone, you peasant.

Y/N: Of course, those are just mere words that doesn't affect me.

Deutschland: Oh? well then, I shall keep calling you peasant then.

Y/N then chuckles on her statement, and just patted Deutschland on her head.

Y/N: There, there.

Deutschland: Oi! what are you doing!

Deutschland tried to shove his hand away from her head, and Y/N quickly retract his hand, that he has enough for teasing her.

Y/N: Hehe...

Deutschland: Hehe?! What kind of reaction is that?! You even dare patted me without my permission!

Deutschland tried to assault him, but he evade it with no problems while laughing, and Deutschland was annoyed by this.

Deutschland: Stop dodging it you Peasant!

Y/N: Nein.

Deutschland hiss at him, and she calmed down, while still looking annoyed.

Deutschland: I will let this pass you Peasant. Next Time there will be no more.

Deutschland then walks away while stamping in the ground, on her way out she was greeted by Graf Spee.

Spee: Schwester! I was looking for you.

Spee then looked behind Deutschland, and saw Y/N which she wave with her massive metallic arms. Which Y/N just waved back as well.

Y/N: It's nice to see this place laughing... but in the future... those laughs will fade away, but will resurface after that future.

He then close his eyes, remembering his old world, his sole purpose was to find the wreckage of KMS Donnerkönig, but to be only revive into another world, and turning into KMS Donnerkönig itself.

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