Chapter 19 - Javid (Jack x David/Davey)

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- Chapter 19 - Javid Fluff -
Warning: Fluff (tad bit of stress)
Modern AU
Third Person POV

A/N, this is some Javid fluff for Addie_your_Queen . You seem like you're having a rough time right now, and I hope it gets better.
So, here's a few one-shots of them.

Jack and Davey laugh.

Davey wipes off his hands, before putting the cookie sheet in the oven.

Davey turns back to find Jack licking some of the extra cookie dough.

"Jacky!" Davey exclaims, grabbing the cookie bowl out of his hands. "No cookie dough! You could get sick and we need the extra batter for more cookies!" Davey's scolding was only half-serious.

Jack rolls his eyes, putting his hands up. "Okay, okay, I get it."

He turns back around to find Davey sneaking a bite of the cookie dough.

"Davey!" He exclaims.

Davey laughs, putting the bowl down. "It was only fair! You had some so I had to make it even!" Davey defends himself.

Jack rolls his eyes. "Okay, okay."

He looks at Davey. "You have a bit of cookie dough on your face."

Before Davey could do anything, Jack leaned forward and kissed his cheek, eating the bit of cookie dough.

Davey turns bright red, stepping back a bit.

Oh my God, oh my God, Davey was mentally panicking and slowly turning more and more red. He just did that.

Jack chuckles.

Wait... "You ate the cookie dough!" Davey exclaims, waving a finger in Jack's face.

"Yup." Jack pops the 'p'. "Has anyone ever told you that your skin is soft? Cause it's really soft." (A/N,
Is this a Wattpad story now lol?)

Davey turns even more red. "Uh..." How do I respond to that. "I don't think that's ever come up before..."

Jack smirks. "Yeah?" Davey hesitantly nods. "Well, it should."

Davey turns bright red again.

Jack chuckles, stealing the bowl of cookie dough.

Davey turns around. "Hey! Jack Kelly-Larkin! You better get back here!"

"Only if you say my name right!" Jack shouts from another room.

Davey stops in his tracks. What? Say his name right?

"You got my last name wrong!" Jack adds, almost tripping as he continues to run.

Davey thinks to himself for a moment, before the realization and heat hits him in the face.

"Jack!" Davey shouts, wanting to curl up in a ball on the floor and melt into a puddle of blush.

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