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*****Fair warning these chapters aren't edited..*******

"I need to see if your body can handle the ritual. Permission my king," Fredericka says,focusing her unblinking gaze on the king.
"Am fine,"he grumbles stubbornly.
"You saying you're fine and your body actually being fine are two different things and I won't take any chances,"she lifts an intense brow towards the king and he licks his teeth in frustration before sighing in defeat.
"Okay,do what you must then,"the king,Sparks, says releasing a tired sigh before looking towards Frederika for more instructions.
"Ooh, look at you big brother, taking orders from another person,thought I'd never see the day,am so proud m'lady Frederika,"Jeffrey says in jest. His eyes glint in mischief and Sparks rolls his in return. Frederika scowls at the young king but ends up shaking her head in annoyance.
"Fuck off brother,"he grumbles and Jeffrey releases a boisterous laugh.
"Kings mustn't use such vulgar languages. It's improper and beneath them,"Frederika scolds them with a motherly tone, furrowing her brows when she looks towards her tools.
"Am too old to care about my language Frederika. If I want to say them I'll mutter them any chance I get. And don't pretend as if you don't have a sailors mouth yourself. I've heard far more dirty curses rolling out of your mouth in my lifetime,"Sparks says laying down where Frederika had guided him. His body makes the table look small and his feet dangle out of it.

Her mouth twitches a little but she doesn't give into the smile that's fighting to come through.
"Oh yes Frederika. I remember one time you cursed at a Lord and he was so red at the face with embarrassment he has never visited our kingdom again. Poor lad,having to be at the receiving end of your sharp tongue is a death sentence,no one recovers from it," Jeffrey says, reminiscing the day with a soft smile on his face. Casting a gentle gaze towards the witch. She had raised them like a second mother,jesting with her came natural to them as much as jesting with their own mother.
"Well he deserved it. He had the audacity to call me sugar tits and I gave him a piece of my mind,only Antonio has a right to say it and even he himself knows it's a death wish,"Frederika says with a scowl on her face. Her eyes had a cold glint to it that showed she didn't appreciate the Lord's remarks or the memory.
Jeffrey was guffawing with laughter besides his brother while Sparks chuckled heartily.

"He did deserve it, but was it necessary to tell him you would use a horse's penis to choke him to oblivion before ripping his own penis and shoving it up his arse he'll feel it going up?"Sparks says looking towards Frederika,whom had a red taint on her cheeks. From anger or embarrassment,he didn't know.
"She did what?!"Jeffrey says finding it hard for him to breath due to how hard he was laughing. He was starting to get red at the face and Sparks was getting worried he was going to collapse.

"Thats enough. I no longer wish to speak of this and I forbid you from bringing it up again too,"Frederika says giving her back to them while she prepared the things she needed to check on Sparks with a scowl on her thin pale lips. Jeffrey's laugh died down and he remained chuckling softly to himself.
"Am the king. I believe I have the power to do the forbidding,"Sparks scolds in good nature.
"Bah!"Frederika scoffs before continuing her work.
"Where is that charming mate of yours anyway? It's due time we drank ale together and gossip about your foul moods and temperaments,"Jeffrey says warmly. He loved Frederika's mate. He was a strong mate who could handle Frederika well without being skinned alive or burnt to death in boiling oil. He had stated several times Frederika had almost torched him only to remember she would die also if he died. He loved taunting her with that little detail. But Frederika finds more amusing ways to torture him.
"She tortures me only to nurse me back to health. What kind of sadistic mate did the gods give me,"he would wail to get on her nerves even more,hiding a secret smile when he sees his antics work.

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