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Shakeesha's POV .

"Hell hounds?!" Becky shrieks in disbelief after Sparks finished telling us of what happened. His Beta, Luther Denmark,  and Gamma,  Jonathan Drews, looked around in disbelief while Sparks father was quiet looking deep in thought.Luther was pulling at his hair while Andrew, Sparks father, had a stoic expression while trying to calm his mate Becky down.
"Yes. A whole pack of the bloody things, " Sparks grumbled.

"I don't understand. Aren't blood hounds extinct or something like that? And they aren't supposed to shift because they don't have souls, " I say and everyone turns to me.
"What do you mean no souls?" Sparks asks looking at me intensely and I look away before clearing my throat.
"Hell hounds don't have souls. They are not supposed to shift because they don't have humanity in them and are just made to follow hades instructions. They don't possess the knowledge of right from wrong and they feed off souls by either killing the prey themselves or by any intimate actions such as kissing or sexual intimacy. But because they can't shift they tend to rape or kill on sight. They can also hypnotise you to do their biddings. The more you stare into their eyes, the greater your chances of being hypnotised are. Also they think alike. They tend to look through each others eyes and don't make decisions individually. You can't kill a hell hound by ripping its head off, because it will regenerate. You must rip its heart out of its body for it to disintegrate and die completely, " I finish off and everyone is staring at me in disbelief.

"How do you know all of this, " Sparks asks me in suspicion. I blush a little at everyone's attention on me.
"Am a closeted nerd, " I shrug and Becky chuckles.
"Its okay dear. That information will help us greatly. Sparks baby you need to rest. I don't want to see you away from this bed again, do you understand, " Becky says sternly. Sparks rolls his eyes but grumbles a 'yes'.
"Good Shakeesha will take care of you, call her if you need help, " Becky says and I almost chock on air.
"I don't need her to take care of me. Hire me a bloody nurse if you must. I don't need this one around me, " Sparks says hotly. I look away shakily, feeling my heart tear just a little bit and I remind myself  I did it to myself.
"Look at my face, do I look like I care?" Becky asks with a risen brow and Sparks father chuckles in amusement.
"Mum am serious. I don't want her near me. If you don't hire me a nurse am not going to get better because I will never call her if I need anything and you know bloody well I won't eat anything she will fucking cook, " Sparks says loosing his temper quickly. Becky gasps and looks a little bit hurt.
"Did you just curse at your mother?" His father asks coldly and Sparks sighs in defeat.
"Am sorry ma. But I don't want her anywhere near my room. I don't have a mate so I don't need her acting like one now, " he mumbles to his mother and she tears up. I feel the breath knocked out of me and I stagger back. His words hurt. They felt like someone took a sledgehammer and knocked me with it. I scoot away from them slowly until am finally at the door and I leave, shutting the door slowly.

I go to my room and just sit on my bed and look into space.
What am I going to do? I can't give up yet. I knew it was not going to be easy and the dream I had the other day still flashes on my mind. Could it be a glimpse of what is to come? Is Sparks really going to blame me for what will happen? I have to make sure it doesn't happen at all.

I'll start by taking care of what he needs even if he doesn't want to. Even if he will have a nurse am still going to take care of him. With that resolve, I head into the kitchen to cook something because I was really hungry. Humming to myself, I decide on spaghetti Bolognese.

Preparing the ingredient I get to work. I cook for two. I know Sparks will not eat it but I'll continue cooking it until the day he decides to eat my food. So I keep humming to myself and cook. I get lost in the cooking and before I know it, everything is ready. I serve myself a hearty meal and dig in. Moaning in delight,  I smile at myself softly because it reminded me of home.

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