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Shakeesha's POV

"Arrggghhhh! Please no. I won't say anything I promise. Just please don't hurt me. I'll..I'll...I'll do anything you want me to do. I won't tell a soul. Just please don't kill me, I beg y...."

"Pshh Armatures. They call this shit horror? I would have written a better script with my eyes closed. Better yet, with both my hands tied back and my brain being electrocuted I'd still think of a better script. They always put the blondes to be killed first. Figures, " I rant to myself while watching the mentioned horrible movie. I don't know why I keep tormenting myself with these shitty movies almost every night.

It was around eight in the night and I was bored out of my mind. I had completed every task in the house and hadn't seen Sparks again after he went into the guest room to see how friend his friend was doing. I was strongly prohibited from going in there so I don't have a clue on how his friend is. The house felt cold and lonely and I found myself craving for some company. Having friends would've been nice but I didn't have any. I had only myself.

The popcorns on my lap suddenly felt tasteless and I found myself lacking appetite to continue nibbling it. I lost interest in the movie and just stared blankly at it. I started wondering what it was I usually did before I came into Sparks pack.

Doing some digging into my memories I found that I did not have friends in my pack also. My life revolved around William that I never made the effort of socialising and making any wolves my friends. It was sad actually because I ruined my life and others because of what I thought was right then.

But I was done wallowing in self pity. Deciding on making some dinner since Sparks was around and his friend could need soup if he was awake. That is if he even allowed himself and his friend to eat what I've cooked. Are people that have just woken from a coma even allowed to eat?

Humming some tune I just made up in my head,I go into the kitchen and see what I can cook.

I decide on roast lamp chops,mashed potatoes some veggies and apple pie. Small amounts will do because I am a hundred percent sure Sparks will not eat anything I've made. For Sparks' friend,chicken soup would do if he is awake and allowed to eat. Getting right on making everything,the kitchen smells amazing. Smells like home but a home with no warmth. I sigh and shake away the depressing thoughts off.

I call Luke and Riley to eat but as always they decline. Riley takes a long look at one of the lamp chops and I shove it in his humongous hand.
"Throw it away if you don't want it," I tell him as I turn my back to him and serve a nice plate for myself. Luke chuckles a little and shakes his head while heading towards his post.  I don't turn around to see if Riley ate it,I don't want to be disappointed when I see it in the bin.

I take my food in my room to eat it without a glance at Rileys side. Closing the door using my hip I sashay to my bed feeling like one of those talented waitresses because I have both my hands full and was able to get on my bed without falling flat on my face.
Saying Grace and digging right to the food,I moan in ecstasy. Not to toot my own horn but am a pretty damn good cook and I take pride in that.

I finish my food and sigh in satisfaction. I lay on my back,my stomach round and bloated and I rub it affectionately before laughing at my idiocy. Looking at the old ragged ceiling and following the faded rusty patterns,I try remembering what I'd done or what had happened to make me be this horrible.

Closing my eyes and just digging deep into my memories I try remembering something. I try reaching into my deepest memories and I could feel something like a push inside my mind, pushing me away from something shimmering and fuzzy. Pushing harder it pushes me out even more brutally and a splitting migraine attacks me. Hissing in annoyance and pain,I open my eyes but my vision is blurry and a little cloudy.

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