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"Shakeesha, Shakeesha!" I called unto her loudly. I hear her sigh in what I presume annoyance and I just breath out in fatigue. She comes downstairs stomping her feet like a petulant child but I ignore her attitude having already gotten used to it. It would be the last day I see her anyway. When she saw who I was standing next to, her face lit up and her attitude did an absolute turn to glee. She released a ginormous grin and I wished for once it was directed at me. But I was done dwelling on wishes that will never happened.
"Papa!" She yells excitedly and ran towards  the 6'4 man with salt and pepper hair and a thinning hairline. His green eyes glimmer with joy and he smiles fondly and warmly at his daughter. They embrace lovingly and I just stare at them. Memorising the warmth, love and glee in her eyes and the bright smile she gave her father knowing it would be the last time I'd ever witness it. They let go and she looks at him with confusion.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Alpha Sparks called me, said he had something urgent and Important to talk to me about, " Marcus , Shakeesha's father says to her. Shakeesha looks upto me questioningly but I just stare at her blankly, my eyes cold and demeanor rigid. She became even more confused albeit because she was always accustomed to my warm and soft gestures towards her. But no more. All of it ends today. Her face changes and am sure she wants to retort or say something snarky but I beat her to it.
"Shut it, " I growl to her and her jaws fall with shock. Her father looks at me with anger and am sure he wants to punch me in the face but he couldn't because I was the Alpha. I was the most brutal Alpha in all America and am sure he knew he had no chance at winning if he picked a fight with me.
"With all due respect Alpha, you can not talk to my daughter like that, " He says rigidly. I see Shakeesha smirking smugly. I can feel my temper rising but I do not want to do something I'd regret.
"Respect,  he's talking about respect, " I mumble to myself, scoffing at the end.  He had no idea what his daughter was doing here that's why he talks about respect. I see Shakeesha in my peripheral vision freezing momentarily. I was sure they heard what I said. Perks of werewolf hearing.
"Alpha Sparks before we continue with our conversation, I wanted to Inform you that I would be taking Shakeesha back home with me today, " Marcus says. I look at him, he was nervous not knowing how I would react but I was going to wait and hear what he was going to give me as an explanation. His decision to take her back home was not far from what  I planned on doing anyway.
"Why?"  I ask. His eyes finally look upto mine and all I see is rage. Ooh this is going to be great. Am sure Shakeesha said something about our pack or some crap.
"Why? Why?" He snaps, " Because your pack is mistreating Shakeesha. She told me you lock her up in the basement and starve her for days. She told me how you, her mate, who should love her unconditionally ignores her and neglect her. She told me how your own mother beats her shitless when she is bored. Alpha how could you do this? I trusted you with taking care of her. Why would you do this, " he completes. His breathing heavy. Shakeesha looked so smug it elevated my anger. All I saw was red but I found myself laughing. I laughed so hard tears fell from my eyes. They both froze. Confused by my reaction. I was mad with rage. I could feel the vein in my forehead thrumming. I see my mother by the corner covering her mouth in shock. She was well hidden in the shadows but I could see her.  It angered me more that my mother had to suffer for Shakeesha's lies.
"Marcus,  you say your daughter was mistreated?" I asked calmly. My voice flat. Shakeesha's heartbeat peaked. She better show the fucking scars or there is going to be blood on my hands.
"Yes. She told me this about a month ago, " he says still looking very angry. He was ready to pounce on me with his overprotective side coming out.
"Okay Shakeesha. Show your father the so called marks you have of this mistreatments,common don't be shy. Show your great 'papa' this marks we inflict on you everyday. "  I said. I was slowly snapping. Her father looked at her expectantly. Wanting me to see these scars I have inflicted on his precious daughter.
" I don't have to show you anything, "Shakeesha looked towards the floor arrogantly but her heart was beating so fast her father looked at her disbelievingly.
The rage had turned my eyes golden now. I could feel my wolf dissapointment in his Mates lies and I finally, finally snapped.
"I SAID SHOW YOUR FATHER THE FUCKING MARKS, " I roared. They both jumped and I snickered at their reaction.
"Keesh?, " Marcus asked her, his eyes showing the raw disbelief in them.
"You lied to me? Why?" He asked looking more broken. He turned to me with apologetic eyes but I just shook my head. I sighed and massaged my temples. This was wasting my time.
"Marcus am gonna tell you something, see that woman by the corner? She is my mother. The most sweetest person on this planet. Could never hurt a fly. But this vile creature you call a daughter, she is despicable. She lied through her teeth because she is obsessed with her highschool sweetheart and wants to go back and rekindle their puppy love. She was never mistreated. For the past four years she is the one that has been horrible to me. She has treated this pack like scum, " I said deadly. He looked like he did not believe me.
"Don't believe me? Walk around the pack and listen to what the members say. She has been horrible to everyone even the pups. Honestly I don't get how she can blame everyone and LIE that we were the ones treating her badly. I have done everything to please her as my mate but I get neglected and rejected over and over again. She has made my mother cry more times than I can count, she has been a bitch to my little sister, degrading her every chance she gets and has ruined her selfesteem. As a pack we have tried everything to make her stay here warm and welcoming. She has always tried running away from here for the past four years. Four years, four years Marcus, she was always hatching a plan on how to run away. Am always finding complaints from pack members on how their Luna doesn't give a shit about them. You know everything comes to an end. Guess what Shakeesha Lemar, am done.  I am done with you. You can finally go back to the  William you always compare me to. I am not rejecting you, no, I will not stoop down to your level. Am allowing you leave. My wolf and I have come to an agreement,  we can't do this. You have hurt us too badly. I have fought tooth and nail for you only for you to spit it back at my face. Four years is a long time to peservere  and am done.  You can leave, I don't care anymore. They say am the most heartless wolf, they clearly havent met you, " I finish coldly. Marcus looks shocked beyond words and Shakeesha looks hurt. She has the audacity to look hurt. It enraged me so much that I was shaking in rage. Schooling my features I look at both of them coldly. Shakeesha goes to say something but I raise my hand to signal her to keep quiet.
"Save it. I doubt what you want to say will make up for what you have done. You had four years to rectify your mistakes and you didn't. Now swallow you fucking pride and get the fuck away from my territory. You are to leave my premises within an hour. More than that and I'll send my guards to escort you out forcefully. You can carry your scammy belongings, I honestly don't give a fuck anymore, get them away from here but I will burn the ones you leave behind. I do not want a trace of you ever being here in my house. It was nice to see you again Mr. Marcus. Am sorry you had to find out that your daughter is a disgrace from her mate. Tell your wife I tried. You may leave. Make sure Shakeesha never steps a foot in my territory. I never want to see her near me or my family ever again. Now get the fuck out of my property, " With that I walked out, feeling my heart crushing and breaking all over again. I love Shakeesha more than anything, but I was tired, emotionally and phsically. I had done everything so she had no excuse for her behaviour. I was opening a new chapter of my life. I was going to focus on my pack now, every effort I make will be for them.
Good riddance Shakeesha Lemar.

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