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Shakeesha's POV

Seeing Sparks again, Paralyzed me with this horrendous shock that left me frozen in place. The possibility of us ever meeting here was very slim. He looked really good apart from the eye bags beneath his eyes and they were bloodshot red at the corners. Being a wolf helped me to see every little detail even if we were a couple of metres away. I could see him analysing me too but I was focused on his fatigued stature. He looked really tired and in need of rest. His hand was in his pocket while the other was holding his phone. From how far apart we were, I could notice that he had lost some weight too. The store attendant was still blabbing about something but all I heard was my racing heart and the blood rushing in my ears.

The temperature in the store changed and it got cold, just like his stare on me. He was looking at me like a stranger, his eyes so cold it sent shivers down my spine. And for the first time since he threw me out, my wolf whimpered. She made an appearance on my mind but didn't spare me any glance. She was turned away with her ears dropped with sadness, her tail tucked between her legs and she whimpered continuously. I caused this pain on her with my idiot antics. I saw his eyes turn more cold and viscious before flashing with something like pain and sadness.

He blinked, shook his head and turned away from me. I immediately snapped out of my shocked predicament and yelled a 'Wait' while running towards him. For a fraction of a moment I saw him tense but he continued walking away. He even hurried his steps to get as far away from me as possible. But I ran after him. He was almost out of the store but I yelled his name some more.
"Sparks wait, " I yelled again when I was closer to him. He stopped but did not turn to look at me. I was a little short of breath but I managed to calm myself down. Walking more closer towards him, his cologne hit me like a truck and I realised I had missed him. How could I have hurt this marvelous man? What happened to me? His scent together with his cologne made me almost fall to the ground and weep out so many apologies. Which I was sure would fall on deaf ears. Even I could not forgive myself.

Why did it take me four years to realise I am a monster? I could feel heat radiating from his back and I shook my head to focus on what I was to tell. What was I going to tell him? My mind was a mess. I was not prepared to see him here. I searched my mind on anything to say to him and just decided on calling his name.

"Sparks, " I said to him. His back tensed and his shoulders became rigid. He flinched as if someone had shown him something repulsive. I could see his fingers twitchinv before he clenched them into fists, his knuckles turning white. I heard a faint intake of breath and then followed with a sigh. Like someone who was preparing themselves to give a speech or controlling their anger.

"Alpha, " he answered back voidly. His voice flat and cold. He still hadn't turned to look at me.
"What?" I asked confused.
"It's Alpha Sparks to you. Those close to me are the only ones who have the right to call me Sparks, " He said and turned to look at me. His eyes were cold and he just stared voidly at me. He looked at me from top to bottom then pursed his lip as if he was refraining from saying something. I felt a deep cut inside my chest but I knew I was at fault for everything coming my way. I caused this. And karma sure as hell had me paying every minute of it.
"Oh, of course Alpha Sparks. Can we talk?" I asked meekly. My voice small and I looked anywhere but him. His stare was making me nervous and I needed to apologize to him before I chickened out.
"We already are, miss Lemar, " he said flatly. I wrung my fingers nervously wondering where to start. Him calling me 'miss Lemar' had shocked me and I was frozen. His stare was making me uncomfortable but I knew I had to say what I wanted to him before it was really too late. But why did I get the feeling he was already done with me. I wouldn't blame him but I really hope he gives me a chance to make it up to him. I finally looked at him and his eyes were dark and dilated. His nose was flared and his hand clutched in fists. I guess he was really angry at me.

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