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Sparks POV .

"Sir? We are here, " Jeff tells me and I nod my head to show him I've heard him. Something is not adding up. Why would Calvin be stealing from me and not put it into his own account. By no means was he poor, in fact Calvin was filthy rich. He comes from a family of well known tycoons. So for him to be stealing from me was still leaving me confused.

"Jeff? Did you run the name on the database again?" I ask him while we head to the black limo that was waiting for us to take us into the hotel before we can track Calvin down.
"Yes sir, " he answers breathing a little bit harder while he pulled his suitcase and tried to work on his tab all at the same time. I growl at him and he gulps a little before stopping and putting his luggage down for the driver to put in the car. Jeff knows am a werewolf and he is sworned to secrecy. He found out unfortunately when I lost my temper one day and shifted in my office one night because I was really angry at Shakeesha for boasting about William to me again. Its safe to say he fainted like ten times before finally coming into terms that he wasn't dreaming.

I trusted him and that's why I brought him along everywhere I went.
"I checked the name again and this time it brought some information, " he says while we get into the car. He passes me cold bottle water and I gulp it all in seconds and he looks at me weirdly before shaking his head and sips a little of his water. Jeff was always a posh guy with the nerdy sorta hot persona. He was by no means scrawny, he was fit with stormy grey eyes and pink full lips and with a jawline that am sure she wolfs would kill to be mated to him.

But he was a quiet guy, always kept to himself and a tight circle of friends. He was really efficient with his work and I had brought him into my pack a couple of times hoping he would find his mate in my pack. But still no luck. Anyway, I look at him waiting for him to continue giving me details when he keeps swiping then tapping something on his tablet.

"Okay so a month ago, a credit card used with the name Rizeku was used to buy some equipments from a store in mexico followed by a huge purchase of a whole apartment building with a flashy range rover sports. After that there hasn't been any more use of it until yesterday, " he says all in one breath and I wait for him to breath again before he continues.

"So yesterday when I was searching the companies financial status like you asked me I found out that a whooping five hundred million had been transfered again to this same name, " he says and I look at him as if he is insane.

"What? Did I hear you well? Five hundred million fucking dollars?" I say calmly but I was nothing but calm.
"How the hell is he still transferring money from my company Jeff? Don't tell me there is another mole?" I say almost yelling by this point.

"Actually sir..." He gulps nervously,
"What?" I say getting impatient.
"Its way worse, " he says his Adams apple bobbing up and down.
"What could be worse that him stealing my money right under my nose?' I ask angrily.
"He...he..kinda...uh...he..." He stutters and I start getting frustrated.
"What? Out with it Jeff I don't have all fucking day," I growl out.
"He...Calvin now owns ninety five percent of that company," he says watching me carefully. I don't react. I might look calm but I was boiling in rage. I was seeing red. The blood rushing to my ears was so loud I thought I was under the waves.

My heart was pounding loudly in my chest and I could fill myself growling low in my chest. I just looked at Jeff blankly and he was getting confused.
"Sir?" He asked worriedly.
"Tell the driver to divert somewhere where no humans are and tell him to stop there and when I leave the car make sure you all lock the doors and windows or else I might just rip your throats out, "I say calmly but am sure my fangs were showing and Jeff gulps in fear before telling the driver what I had told him. The driver looks confused for a moment before understanding the situation seeing as he was one of my own pack drivers and warrior and he did as told as quick as possible.

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