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Sparks POV

I felt blood draining from my face and my eyes widening in shock,my mouth wide open I was sure some flies somewhere were ready to dive in.
"What?" I asked when I regained my composure. I heard how my voice came out small and vulnerable and cleared my voice in an attempt to rid myself of the terror that was clutching my heart in a death grip and I felt as if I couldn't breath.
"What?" I asked again. I was like a broken record at this point. My gaze was on the man on the bed who was like a brother to me and the terror in my heart intensified ten folds. I didn't want to believe it,I didn't want to believe that it was my fault for bringing him with me and now his life was doomed for life.

"We don't have much time. We have to bring him somewhere enclosed and safe because the moment he successfully morphs completely,our pack is in danger. He'll want to feed,"Nicks panicked voice brings me out of my shock stupor and I blink rapidly to try and comprehend the situation.

"What..Wh....huh?"I mumble still feeling lost. Nick stops and looks at me before coming towards me and looks at me straight to my eyes. My wolf shakes his fur and growls at the disrespect. I might have been confused,lost and shocked but my wolf wasn't. He gets agitated,feeling challenged and growls again. The growls shake me back to the present and I feel myself regaining composure.
"Oh thank goddess," Nick says showing his neck in submission, "We need to move quickly Alpha,we have enough time," he rushes out.

"Okay,"I say confidently and think of where to put him. "The cellars are the only secure place that can hold him in case he becomes violent. The safe bunkers could hold him too, but that is too much of a risk on the preserved goods in there, he might destroy them. We are practically going blind. We know nothing of hell hounds,"  Nick nods his head before getting to work at removing Jeffrey's iv and getting him ready to be moved to the dungeons.

"Riley, Luke come to the guest room,I need you to move Jeffrey to the cellars,"  I mind link them and I get answers of confirmation from them. "Riley and Luke will be here in a second,I'll come to the cellars in a little while." I tell the nurse and head out of the room with only one person in mind.
Heading into her room with purpose I knock on the door loudly and I hear little shuffle of feet coming towards it.

When the door opens,the first thing I notice is she looks really pale,her eyes are bloodshot and her face is sweaty.
"What's wrong?" It comes out before I can control my voice of concern. She looks at me and her sad eyes fill with tears before she wipes them off and sniffs.
"Am not sure,"she whispers in a broken voice.
"We will discuss this later but I need your help,"I tell her and I can feel the undertone of desperation in my voice. It looks like she hears it too because in a second her face is full worry and her green eyes look towards mine. I can feel my wolf sigh in content at the eye contact but I ignore it.
"My guest,Jeffrey,when we were attacked by the hell hounds,he was beaten up badly and was scratched up. Nick tells me the hell hound's venom entered his system and now he is morphing into one,"I say in a rush. Her eyes widen and her face turns pale.

"What?"she mumbles and I want to laugh at how similar our reactions were.
"Yes. We are taking him down to the cellars because if his change is almost complete,it will be a risk to the pack. The cellar are safe to hold him down,"I tell her and she shakes her head rapidly.
"No!"her outburst makes me jump a little and I want to ask her what she means when she continues in a rush holding the palm of her hand to her forehead," No. The last place you want to keep a newly formed hell hound is in an enclosed area and somewhere that is very close to the pack. We need to take him out of the territory immediately,"she clutches my hand in despair and urgency. I don't even acknowledge the sparks shooting up my arm in ecstasy and  focus on her words.

"Riley don't take him to the cellars. Get the van and take him to the cabin that's located northwest out of the territory. Now. Am behind you," I rush to mind link him and choose to question Shakeesha about the details later.
"We need to leave. I know where we can keep him," I tell her and she nods before dushing into her room and coming back wearing a tank top and I furrow my brows in confusion. That was super fast of a change. I shake my head and lead her towards my black jeep. She gets into the passenger seat and I get into the driver seat. Riley and Luke are in front of us in a black suv.

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