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Shakeesha's POV.

I pace back and forth in the living room worriedly. I had a bad feeling deep in my gut and I called Sparks but he completely blew me off. I don't know why I keep feeling something horrible happening to him and I know he doesn't truly trust me so he was not going to believe me. Not in my wildest dreams.
Swallowing my worry and precautions of being rebuked and condemned with colourful words with him,  I decide to call him again but he doesn't pick up and I decide to text him.

Me: Alpha are you okay?

I hit send and place the phone on the table and continued to pace along waiting for him to reply. I can literally taste the harm upon him and I groan loudly. Luke throws his head insidw the house to check what had me make the inhuman sound and I just wave him off. He nods and goes back to his staring of the backyard. Fifteen minutes pass and I conclude he wasn't going to reply. I decide to make myself some hot cocoa because it always soothed me. I go back to the living room and try to entertain  myself by watching the telly but I felt something just deep inside me was wrong. I check my phone again but still no response from Sparks. I sigh in disappointment and put my phone down and it beeps to notify I have a new message. I grab it quickly almost dropping it in the process and see that Sparks had replied to my message. Opening it hastily I read it and snort at his response.

Sparks: what's it to you?

Me: please Alpha I have a bad feeling...

Sparks: and it involves me how?

Me: because I have a bad feeling that something horrible is going to happen to you....

Sparks: the happier you would be without me in the picture

Me: no! Please just listen to me,

Sparks: never in a million years Shakeesha.

Me: please am just asking for you to be more careful. Wherever you are just keep an eye out and trust no one. Just this once listen to me Alpha and I promise I will never ask you to do anything again.

Sparks: I have to go.

I try calling him but it goes straight to voice mail. With a frustrated groan I decide to go to sleep. But sleep also decided to ditch me so am up all night tossing and turning in worry. Why was I feeling this way? As if an impending doom awaited on the horizon?

Dusk approaches and I sigh tiredly. I feel as if I had been run over by a truck and my mind is a jumbled mess. I decide to take a hot shower to try and sooth my muscles. After doing my business, I head into the backyard with a cup of yoghurt. Luke is there as always and I nod at him as a greeting and he nods back at me in acknowledgement. It felt like a drug transaction and I almost giggle at the thought but restrain myself.

Sitting on the launge chair with nothing but my mind to occupy me, I soon grow bored. Watching a never ending line of trees with birds in the sky can get old at times.
"Luke can you take me to the pack house?" I ask him. I was bored out of my mind and I saw it fit to visit the pack house in the hopes of making up for my mistakes. It would be a start at least and I had to occupy my mind else I was just going to wallow in worry on behalf of Sparks.

"Yes, " he answers gruffly. I start heading to the door and he follows me behind. Opening the door I see another warrior. This one has a rich ebony complexion with almond shaped eyes that were caramel in colour. He looked aluring to say the least and when he noticed us he nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"What's your name?" I ask him.
"Riley, " he answers me. His voice was deep and ragged. I think he was atleast six foot eight because I looked like a midget besides his tall frame.
"Well, nice to meet you Riley. Am heading to the packhouse. I understand you and Luke are to accompany me everywhere. Correct?" I ask him.
Instead of voicing his answer he nods and I sigh.
"Okay let's leave then, " I say and start heading towards the packhouse. Luke and Riley follow close behind and I just feign obliviousness from their presence. They wouldn't talk to me either way. It was lonely to say the least.

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