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Sparks POV

"Am leaving, " I say while heading towards the front door not even waiting for Shakeesha to reply. I was feeling good. I had regained all my strength and I was ready to go back and check on my pack. Not even Nicholas could tell me to go back to bed. Even if he tried, one look from me and he would let me leave.
"Keep an eye on her, don't let her leave the house today, " I mind linked Riley and Luke. I felt something odd in my mind and didn't want her out if the house.
"Yes Alpha, " came back their simultaneous responses.

I had healed completely from the attack of those beasts. Their poison was out of my system and I was taking a trip to the   guest house to check on Jeff. I was hoping by now he had regained his strength and healed as much as his human abilities could help him.

The wolves I met on the way bowed their heads at me in respect and greeting. I nod my head towards them when I pass them as a response. Some I couldn't even notice because my mind was wondering what condition I was going to find Jeff in. My feet take me towards the pack house in a leisurely stroll while I check the surrounding of my pack. Nothing had changed. I don't know what I was expecting but everything looked exactly as it was two weeks before. But nothing was normal. There was a pack of hell hounds around and a mysterious person plaguing my dreams. It had been two days before I was given the all clear that I was okay and she had been in my dreams for those two days.

She keeps calling me a blood wolf and I knew very well I wasn't a blood wolf. A blood wolf was a hybrid. It was half wolf, half hell hound. It was believed to be a product of a curse. When a wolf angered the goddess by horrendous deeds or killing innocent lives,  she cursed him with half a soul, thus making his wolf half. And since hell hounds had no souls, she merged it with the wolf's half soul as punishment. If they were lucky enough to find a mate, that mate would eventually die a slow excruciating pain because the hell hound would be feeding off their souls to replenish itself. The goddess made sure that the wolf would never find happiness because of his mistakes. It was believed before she punished you, she would warn you to change your ways. If you didn't heed the warning she would put the curse on you. The curse was also unbreakable. The blood wolf was also believed to be the most powerful creature to roam the earth. Only one was recorded to ever exist but his death was never witnessed nor recorded. His body was never found and it was believed that blood wolfs were immortal and this one was somewhere hiding.

Its amazing what boredom does to you. When she called me this name the first time , I made sure to research everything about it. Making Shakeesha take endless trips to the library in such of certain books and bring them back to me.

This mysterious woman always had a huge black cloak on her. She keeps herself hidden and approaches me with Calvin by her side with his tail tucked between his legs. I really don't know what her deal is, last time I tried to attack her in my dream she electrocuted me, then threw me in frozen ice and I could feel myself dying with each painful gasp of air. My lungs were contracting , my heart beat slowing down painfully, my ribcage constricting and pinching painfully with each breath and I could feel each and every muscle in my body constricting and becoming rigid. It's an experience I  never want to feel again.

I find myself infront of the packs guest house door and I breath in, feeling unsure of what condition I was going to find behind that door. Opening the door reluctantly, I push it slowly open and brace myself.

I step into the dull lit room with white  walls and the windows opened to let in the fresh air circulate the room. I ignore the figure on the bed, pretending that I came to watch the room but my eyes finally freeze on the figure laying on the bed.

I gasp a little and move forward towards him. He has tubes all over him and he looks pale. If it weren't for the slow movements of his chest I would have thought he was dead. I sit beside him on the plastic chair that's adjacent to his bed and stare at him. His lips are chapped and his beard needs shaving. I notice his hair has also grown more than what he usually leaves it at and his eyelids are slightly moving as if he is dreaming.

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