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Shakeesha's POV

I have never in my life been so terrified. My spine was ram rod straight while my feet shook like a leaf. The beast in front of me could speak? And what did it mean by brother? This is the first time I know Sparks had a close human friend in the first place. My hands were clammy and I felt my throat going dry with terror. The thing known as a heart inside my chest was making a standing ovation and beating so rapidly I felt nauseated. The hell hound had its head turned to the side and was staring at me unblinkingly. The red hue of his eyes had vanished and left in its place a striking snake green. I felt hypnotized by it and my fear peaked to another level. Was it going to rape me? Was it going to kill me?

"You smell like my brother,"It growled out. I think I noticed a tinge of annoyance in it. It could feel? I was really confused. My tongue felt heavy and I could not formulate any words or even think critically for that matter. All I could do was stare at it like a deer caught in headlights. My mind felt like it was in a haze and there was nothing I could do. I felt helpless. I told Sparks I could do it but here I am with my tail tucked between My feet like a little bitch and rooted to the ground with fear. I could feel my breath coming out in short pants and if I was not able to control it, I was going to collapse.

"Bro...brother?" I squeaked out. My voice came out way higher but at least I got the word out. Progress. The beast huffed out in annoyance, this time I was sure of it, and his long claws scraped the hard wood floor a little making me flinch away.
"You smell like my brother," it repeated again and it was my turn to sigh in annoyance.
"Yes I heard you the first time. But I didnt even know you existed before, let alone know who your brother is," I reply to it feeling alittle bit brave. I see its upper lip lifting in a sneer and I gulp.
"Your mate. My brother." It says. I think I see its eyes pulse or it might be the fear speaking. It takes me a moment before I realize and grasp the meaning of his words.
"Wait. You mean Sparks? Sparks is your brother? How? Just two weeks ago you were human and now a bloody hell hound. How does that make him your brother?" I fire up the questions one after the other because of how confused I felt.

"You dare address the majesty by his name?" It growls out and I flinch away.
"What do you mean Majesty. He's an Alpha. I didnt realize his title made him royalty," I say feeling annoyed because this monstrous beast was not making any sense.
It stares at me for what felt like eternity and its serpent like tongue comes out and licks the air. I recoil as far away as I can, dreading it jumping and devouring me in one bite.
"Where is His Majesty?" It hisses out while staring at me with a crazed intensity that made me take another step further away from it. It looked angry and annoyed and I wasn't sure who this majesty was.

"I am afraid I don't know who you are talking about. We don't have a majesty here,only an alpha. So excuse me for not knowing who this majesty is," I blurt out in annoyance and it goes quiet. I look up and see its slit eyes in a deadly glare. Its head is titled to the side and I feel a shiver down my spine to my small toe. I gulp in fear and I can feel my chest tightening.

"Why do you smell like him? Are you his mate little human?" It asks in dominance, its voice a rough baritone in its scaly, fury, chest. I don't know how that works but its what I saw. I could only manage a nod and it suddenly became quiet. It stood frozen and for a second I stood frozen also. It finally opened its gigantic snout and I think my life started flashing behind my eyes. My life before Sparks, my parents, siblings and everything with it. My life after Sparks and everything that followed after our first meeting and in my heart I think I was not ready to die just yet. Before I could come up with an escape route, a snarkly, deep, boisterous laughter reverberated throughout the tiny cabin.

My eyes widened when I realized the blood hound was the one laughing, and its eyes were filled with humor when it looked down at me. It was a weird, frightening sight because who and what laughs with their eyes wide open?
"How did he manage to snatch such a tiny little mere mortal as his mate?" It said in what I presumed to be contempt and disgust.

"Why? What's wrong with being a human? And am not tiny. Sparks is also a mortal you overgrown dog," I lash back before thinking of what I was sprouting in anger. It stopped laughing and the glare in its red slits was back.
"You being his mate does not excuse you disrespecting his majesty by adressing him by name," it growls out and the fear that was hidden far back in my subconscious reared its ugly claws in my heart again.

"He is not a majesty. An Alpha yes, but we don't address him as his Majesty," I mumble back childishly. It tilts its head again and the deadly aura of death makes an appearance again in the cabin. The red slits are now black like an endless abyss of despair, hopelessness and death. I can feel myself being sucked in them and I couldn't move. Is this what being hypnotized feels like? Am I going to die? Will it make me its slave? I felt like I was drowning and I couldn't breath. When I thought I was finally going to die and I had resigned myself to death, I fell down to the floor gulping air greedily resulting in me having a coughing fit.

"Did you tell his majesty the wolf inside you is the cause of all his pain and suffering?" It says softly. I look at it in shock and wonder how he knew all of that. Did it just comb through my memories and found out? Could they do that? Its soft voice was weird, like a brother feeling empathetic for a sister and was doing everything to sooth and console them. It was unnerving for me and I did not answer. Its eyes were now a shade of jungle green and I could see the calmness in them.

Blood hounds are known for being cunning and I fought with myself to not fall for its tricks. Bloodhounds don't have a personality as far as history goes. Why does his eyes look so human?
"Its okay, I won't hurt a single hair on my brother's mate head." It mumbled again.
"Why are you suddenly more human?" I couldn't help but ask after the shock had dissipited for a while.

It laughed again, but this time it was calm, like waves in the ocean hitting against the shore. It soothed my nerves but I couldn't bring myself to let my guard down. Something about his aura screamed at me to be at guard because he was deathly dangerous.
"I don't know..because I am human," it mumbled cheekily and I almost giggled. I held myself in place and just stared.
"Common little sister-in-law,come closer and let's have a chat. I promise not to bite,"it said in a deep serious voice and the temperature in the cabin fell even lower.
"No thank you. Am good,"I mumbled in a shaky voice.
"You need to remember. Time is running out. He will be awakening soon and it's going to be a catastrophic era in the land of the gifted. Remember little one, you need to remember," He suddenly said in all seriousness as if he was possessed.
"Reme.....," I couldn't finish my sentence because my tongue suddenly went numb and I heard myself falling to the cabin floor with a thud. I blinked in confusion and saw the beast stalking towards me with a purpose. Did he do this so he could eat me without leaving a trace?

I blinked again and a tan, nude, green eyed, muscular man was in front of me. Who is this? Where did he come from? How did he pass through Sparks? Why was I not afraid of him? He picked me up,and ahem*nude*, laid me on the couch on our right. Wait,was he going to rape me?! I tried struggling but to no avail, my body was paralyzed and I could only move my eyes.

"It's okay little one. I won't harm you but you need to remember,sleep." he said putting his calloused palm on my sweaty forehead and before I could figure out what was happening I was being consumed by the dark.

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