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Unknown POV

"What you are doing to the girl is not fair, " he says. His voice coming out strained and calculated because he knew he had said something that will not make his empress happy.
"Life's not fair. She's just a pawn in everything. We can't have him forgive her because it will ruin everything. The venom in her system is dissolving but the damage is already done. She has already ruined her chances to ever be forgiven, " a sweet melodic voice says. The voice is so sweet it contradicts the malice and darkness the beholder has in them.
"But empress, she hasn't done anything wrong, " he tries to defend the said girl.
"Silence! Another word from you and I'll feed you to the hounds, " she says. Her voice doing a dramatic change from the melodic one to a demonic one.
"Yes empress. Pardon my incompetence, " he grits out even though he's starting to question his loyalty.
"Don't worry. She is not going to die. But I can't have them reuniting because with her by his side, my plans will all go down the drain. He has to pay for his mistakes. And why not his mate to deliver it, " she cackles, "fetch me my orb, " she says while holding her hand out.
"Right away empress, " he runs out and gets it. The orb is a beautiful cobalt blue with a golden claw engraved at the bottom and attached to a black rod that looks as if it has veins running through it. The so called veins are pulsing in rythm giving out  a static sound.
"Empress, " he bows while holding it to her.
"You serve me well, " she says while placing her hand on his head. He tenses before forcing himself to relax.
She rubs the orb lovingly and hums a tune to it like singing it a lullaby. It starts to thrum before a figure is seen on its surface.
The figure looks anguished and weak. They try to focus on what they are doing but fail miserably. On seeing this the empress cackles in glee.
The figure sits upright all of a sudden before sighing in what sounds like fatigue. They stand up and leave the room they were in and the orb goes black before bringing in another figure in it. This figure looks haggard. They have puffy eyes and are just staring into space looking lost.
The empress cackles again.
"Your downfalls are coming soon. By the rise of the blood moon I'll make sure I've completely ruined you to the point of no return. A life for a life, blood for blood and I'll make sure I deliver. Watchout children of the moon, for your ends are drawing near. Pray to your goddess that my wrath will carry its own mercy because I don't do mercy. I'll burn you all, " she says darkly. Her eyes glow red and her servant backs away in fear.  Cackling in an eerie voice her domain echoes with the sound. She suddenly stops and looks towards her servant.
"What is the quickest way to break a wolf?" She asks innocently.
"Empress?" He asks confused.
"I asked what is the quickest way to break a wolf, " she asks again in an irritated voice.
"Urm...by rejection?" He answers more confused.
"Wrong, " she cooes. She is still rubbing her palm on the surface of the orb lovingly.
"I don't understand, " he finally says.
Her grey eyes pierce through him with her glare and he stands still.
"Wrong my loyal servant. If you want to break a wolf, you don't reject it. Rejection will only strengthen them when they get over it. They will simply grow stronger each passing day with the clarity of their own inner strength. So my dear servant, you can only break a wolf by giving them a mate, " she answers with confidence.
"But doesn't a mate give them strength to fight for what they want?" He asks more confused. The empress looks at her servant with pursed lips. She doesn't blink while staring at her before she laughs suddenly. This laugh is melodious, jovial, happy and beautiful. It bounces through the walls of her domain making the servant relax.
"My poor poor naive servant. Mates, mates are a liability. When you get a mate, you suddenly become caring. You grow soft. You become comfortable. You start relaying on them to comfort and make you happy. You grow accustomed to their presence in your mind body and soul. Everything you do will revolve around them, " she says watching her servant to see if he is understanding. He nods for her to continue even though to him that reason is not good enough to break a wolf.
"Take that mate away and what happens?" She asks. The servant looks more confuse but answers none the less.
"They..they become lunatics?" He says.
"They break, " she says softly." They become reckless. They become careless. They become insane with sadness. They have no redemption. They simply...break, " she whispers the last word.
The servant looks at his empress with more clarity. Her reasoning is twisted but it has clarity in it.
She stares at space with a lost look before blinking and smiling gleefully. The servant becomes even more scared and confused.
"I am going to make each and every single wolf in that damned universe my pets. And you my dear servant, is going to help me, " she says calmly.
"How?" He asks ready to follow the instructions he was going to be given.
She flicks her hand on her right and some sort of map appears on her wall.
"Take as much hounds as you need and go here, " she points at where she says.
"This is what you must do for the plan to work as efficiently as possible without bringing attention to yourself, " she spins her wrist in a circular motion and a scroll appears. Giving it to her servant she continues.
"Follow each instruction without fail and don't even think of not doing what I have sent you to do. Remember slave, I see and know all, " she breaths her last words to him. He shivers and nods his head.
"Never empress. My loyalties are with you, " he answers.
"As it should be, " she says before vanishing in front of his eyes.

Annnnd done...short chapter I know but...new character yay! Who do you think the empress is? What's her vendetta with the wolves? Lemmy know in the comments.
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