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Sparks POV

She looked like she wanted to run away and I wanted to laugh. Her eyes were looking around wildly for an escape route and I could hear how her heart was beating rapidly. She stared at me with shock and a bewildered look. I sighed and closed my eyes a little and ran my fingers on my forehead. I felt a little migraine coming. Shakeesha must have seen because she was on my side in a second.

"Are you okay? Do you need something? You feel tired?" She asks quickly. I don't open my eyes and just sigh in fatigue.
"I have a headache, can you lower your voice? " I ask flatly.
"Oh, okay. Can I give you a head massage then let you sleep?" She asks meekly and nervously. My eyes open and I observe her from head to toe. My eyes then go back to staring at her eyes.

I stare at her for a moment, longer than normal, and she looks away from me. I mull over her request silently while debating over it. Do I really want her this close to me?Definitely not. Can I trust her? No. But I wasn't going to pass up on the opportunity for a head massage. Am a sucker for those. And it will appease my wolf. He wants her close. Her wolf is still on the process of awakening and being close to her comforted him.

"Fine, " I say horsely. Her Almond shaped, green eyes sparkled and I couldn't look away. I've been longing for that look for so long but I didn't get the satisfaction of seeing it the way I thought I would have.

"Really?" She asks shocked that I had accepted and not thrown her out of my room. Its what I would and should have done but something in my heart changed when I came back from Calvin's pack. I still don't trust her but I was not going to refuse her requests of mending her mistakes to my pack. Everyone deserved a second chance. Even someone as horrible as her. My mother made sure she drilled that in me yesterday before she left my room.

And I at least had to show that I was giving it a chance , because the pack will feed off on my behaviour and behave the same way. It doesn't mean am going to start smiling or chat with her about love or mate stuff. I wasn't going to start walking around with her hand in hand or all that sappy crap. I was only going to be civilised with her. Like more of my room mate than my soul mate. But I still wasn't going to eat her food. That will be asking too much on my part. Who knew when her resolve would change and she would poison me when the moment arose. It wouldn't be the first time either.

"Yes, " I reply flatly and close my eyes again. I feel her breathing hesitantly and she opens her mouth and asks,
"Erm....can you sit so that I may sit behind you?" I open my eyes and raise a brow at her question. I knew what she meant but it was funny to see her squirming.
"So that it will be easier and I won't have to move you too much, " she explains in a low voice.
I nod and sit up slowly and she climbs up the bed and places herself behind me. I can feel her smooth tiny body pressing against me and I suppress the shiver that wanted to escape. Her small gasp doesn't go unnoticed and I sigh in content.

"Can you slide down a little bit? You're still quite tall and I can't reach your head well, " she says pushing at my shoulders softly and I oblige without complaints. I slide until am almost laying completely but her hands on my shoulders stop me from moving again. My head is directly to her chest and I can feel her rapid heart beat and her hiking breaths. I lay my head on her chest and sigh at her soft breasts. I restrain the dark thoughts infiltrating my mind and my wolf Snickers in my head. The idiot sends graphic images in my mind and I growl at him but Shakeesha must have thought it was her because she froze. Her body stiff as a board and her heart beating a tattoo on her chest.

"Alpha? Am sorry, did I ask for too much? Are you comfortable?" She asks in fright. I sigh, again, and I just shake my head at her. She hesitates for a while and then I can feel the tips of her fingers on my temples and I exhale a breath of pure relief. The sparks coming from her tips sooth my headache immediately and I close my eyes at the sensation. She starts rubbing her fingers on my temples and scalp and I think I almost purred.
I needed to talk or else I was going to embarrass myself by moaning.

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