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Shakeesha's pov

For a second there,acting all brave in front of Sparks fooled me into thinking I was actually okay. The moment I stepped into the cabin, my heart dropped and I felt the hairs at the base of my neck raising. Taking a deep breath to try and calm my nerves, I close my eyes and try awakening my other senses because I couldn't depend on the none existent wolf abilities. As you might have guessed, I heard, smelt and felt nothing.

I shook my head to rid myself of the disappointment before using light footsteps to walk further into the cabin, I turned my head this way and that inspecting the old musky room. It was dark and the air was stuffy, smelt of old deer blood. Maybe a few months ago a teenager had transitioned here. The floor boards were clean but there was an old look to it that could not be cleaned away. My feet moved on their own accord, familiarising itself with the environment while my eyes moved slowly and keenly over each nook, crevice, shadow and space of the cabin. There was a door to my left and I gulped heavily knowing what was behind that door.

The room I was currently in was small, had an old loveseat and a fireplace at the center. On the wall,there were several shelves with different glass jars filled with barks, roots and I am assuming different types of dried fruits and herbs. It was also fully stocked with food that could last one person for almost half a year.

I smiled softly thinking of how wonderful it would be to escape from everything for a while and be alone. I shook myself from the thought and reminded myself of the task at hand. I decide to grab the bull by the horns and enter the omnious door. If he tore my throat out, at least I would have tried.

Placing my hand on the bronze like door knob, I twist slowly and carefully. I know my hands are shaking uncontrollably because my grip on the knob is sloppy. My palms are sweaty and my heart is beating so loud I felt like I could throw up while my knees felt rusty and wobbly. The cold chill down my spine settled at the base of my back while beads of sweat slowly formed at my hairline. I felt like a prey entering the cave of a predator just waiting to be torn up.

The door opens with a quiet creak that felt like an avalanche to my ears. I gulped thick saliva and looked towards the room. Right at the middle of the room was Sparks friend on the bed. He laid there peacefully and calmly and for a second I was not afraid. His skin was gray and his lips an ocean blue. He looked dead. His chest rose unevenly but he did not look as if he was struggling to breath.

Apart from his deathly appearance, he was bulky. I stared in astonishment and even thought I saw his arm growing bigger. I blinked and decided to move closer. With each step, I took a shuddering breath to try and calm my fear. Seeing him upclose, he looked normal. If the zombie look was considred normal then he was it. His face was an ashy gray but smooth as marble. He looked like a statue. A beautiful magnificent statue, sculpted by someone very keen on detail.

His eyes were moving rapidly underneath his lids and I got curious. Was he dreaming? What was he seeing?Was he dangerous? Did I reek of fear,nerves and anxiety? Hell yes. Could he smell it? Probably. Even though I knew he was dangerous, something urged me to move closer to him. Did I mention he looked dead? The closer I got to him, the more ashy his appearance got. I could see flakes on his forehead and deducted he needed a spongebath soon.

I could literally feel my blood rushing to my head and my heart beating like tidal waves on a rock on my chest. I almost wheezed due to how much I was trying to slow my rapid breaths. The most thrilling thing was how still he was. Like a night lamp just waiting for a moth to come to them. I felt compelled to move towards him and no matter how scared I got, I couldn't stop myself.

His eyes stopped moving behind his eyelids and his nostrils flared. He could smell me and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. He was still not moving and a cold sweat fell on my temples sending my heart in a frenzy of skippy heartbeats. I stopped and waited. Waiting for what? I don't know. I just felt I was close enough and I needed to stop. My loopy heart was almost collapsing with how hard and fast it was beating. His chest rose with the deep breath he took and I waited for it to fall back down but it kept rising. His chest was huge and bulky and I could not imagine that someone's chest and lungs had that much of capacity to take in that much air.

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