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Shakeesha's POV

Sparks was not coming home and I did not know what I was going to do. The pack already hated me and I didn't know what to do to keep myself busy. The house was already super clean and I couldn't cook because I had no one to cook for and I always got lazy when I had to cook for myself. I decided on taking a cold shower then head for a swim in Sparks back yard to kill the boredom.

Wearing the one piece my mother got for me for last Christmas, I wear a loose shirt above it and head to the backyard. On the door leading to the swimming pool stood a buff warrior. He looked me up and down and not in a suggestive way but in a curious manner.
"Are you the warrior assigned to me?" I asked him in a small voice. I was nervous because I had never seen him in my life. He was silent for a while just staring at me blankly before his eyes fogged over and he bluntuntly just ignored me. I sighed  and started heading towards the pool. He still hadn't spoken to me and I was never a fan of silence so I asked, "what's your name?" I looked back at him and he still looked at me blankly.
"Luke, " he grunted out.
I was surprised he even answered me, considering he had not answered me at first. I smiled a little and nodded my head to show him I had heard him.
"Nice to meet you Luke, " I said to him and he just nodded. Taking that as cue for me to stop interacting with him I remove my sandals and place them near the lounge chair.

Removing the shirt, I dive right under the water. The cold water feels great and I stay under it for a while before coming back up. It was around eight in the night and the air was a bit chilly but I loved it. I always loved the cold. It never bothered me.
Swimming until I feel my muscles aching, I get out of the water and head back into my room. Deciding on comfy wear, I just wear my trusted grey sweatpants and a baby pink crop sweater. I decide on making a meal for myself since I was farmished and Luke hadn't left my side I was sure he was also hungry.

Making some sphagetti and meatballs I hum to myself to rid of the eerie quietness in the house. I hear the front door opening and I freeze. Sparks was not coming back tonight or even tomorrow, I was sure of it, so who the hell was opening the door?

I keep still and listen in more. I hear shuffling of feet coming towards the kitchen and I gulp In fear. I tiptoe looking for a place to hide wondering how the intruder passed the warriors posted on each of the houses door. The footsteps get closer and I duck behind the island. I slow my breathing and prepare myself to launge at them if they decided to attack me. I wasn't trained at all in hand to hand combact or anything related to fighting so I was just gonna wing it and use my nails and some bitch slapping if it came to it.

Then I hear humming. The intruder was humming softly to themselves and I get lost trying to figure out where I had heard that same song.
"Shakeesha?" A motherly voice gasps in surprise. That's why the song sounded so familiar. It was Sparks mother. She was the intruder.
"What are you doing under the island dear?" She asks looking confused and I look at her with wide eyes. How do I tell her I was hiding without it making me look like a coward so I decide to lie. Unluckily for me, am a horrible liar.
"Uh...em...you see...the knife fell and...I..ah...was just grabbing it, " I stammer out my lie and she rises an immaculate shaped brow at me and I sigh in defeat.
"Okay, I was hiding because I thought you were an intruder, I know that makes me a coward but I thought if the intruder had passes the warriors then I had no chance at all,  " I decide on the truth.
"Intruder? But Sparks told me to come make dinner. Had he not informed you?" She asks looking worried a tad bit. Figured that would be the only thing she would focus on. I just called the Alphas mother an intruder in her own pack.
"No no no..its not like that. It had just slipped my mind that you were to pass by. Am sorry Luna..." I answer meekly not wanting to annoy her.
"Nonsense. Am no longer the Luna, You are the Luna here, " she says and I flinch. Noticing my discomfort she clears her throat, her eyes dimming and becoming sad.
"Well I'll make dinner, " she says heading to the cabinets to take the pots.
"Its okay Luna, I already made some spaghetti. Would you like some?" I ask her and she nods eagerly, smiling softly at me.
"That would be lovely my dear, " I serve her a nice helping and give it to her but before she can eat it, Lucas takes the food away and throws it in the trash. I gasp and watch him with wide eyes and mouth agape.

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