Meet my sister

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Varian's POV

"Cmon Hugo, I know my friends would absolutely love to meet you, you would get along great" I said to Hugo while hugging him from behind

"You said that last time when we went to go meet your friends at the snuggly duckling, and ya know what happened? They almost killed me" Hugo explained

"But I stopped them, didn't I? Plus my other friends are royalty, they wouldn't try and kill you" I explained

Hugo looked up from the book he was reading and smiled a bit

"Alright, if you insist, and it's only cause I wanna make you happy" Hugo said as he put the book down

"Yay!" I cheered before grabbing Hugo's hand and pulling him up from his seat and out of the house.

We began our walk to corona

"So, what are your friends like?" Hugo asked

"They are Wonderful, My friend Eugene is so tough but at the same time, he can be à bit goofy, which is amazing, and his best friend Lance, ya know despite being tall and buff, he isnt actually that threatening, and we have his daughters Red and Angry, 2 of the toughest girls I know" I explained

"And the Queen?" Hugo asked

"She is so nice, and creative, not to mention extremely cool, she's the reason my dad is free and I'm not in jail, she's basically a big sister to me" I answered

When we got to the entrance of the main kingdom, I felt Hugo grab my hand and he looked very nervous

"You promise they won't try and kill me?" Hugo asked

I laughed and nodded before we entered the main kingdom.

We began to walk around and look at all the shops, I introduced Hugo to many of my friends from the village as we were walking around, it helped distract him a bit from the nervousness, and soon the sun began to set

"Oh no, it's almost sunset, I guess we can't meet your sister, Oh well, Maybe next time, let's go" Hugo said trying to act sad but in reality he was happy about it

I grabbed the back of Hugo's shirt and dragged him to the castle

"Nice try babe, but I work in the castle, I go in whenever I please" I said before walking to the castle doors and walking in.

Not long after, We arrived at the entrance to the Throne room

"Is the queen busy?" I asked one of the guards

The guard shook his head no, so I walked into the throne room and I let go of Hugo's shirt, he just layed on the floor

"Babe, ya gotta get up" I complained

"Varian!" Rapunzel yelled as she ran over

"Rapunzel!" I yelled as I ran over to her and we hugged eachother tightly

I laughed a bit and turned to look at Hugo, he was still laying on the ground

I walked over and pulled him off the ground and he finally stood normally

"Guys, this is Hugo, he is my boyfriend" I said

Rapunzel then began to glare at Hugo, Eugene walked over and he looked worried when he saw Rapunzels face

"Is he the same guy who stole from you and betrayed you?" Rapunzel asked

"Uhhh, Maybe" I answered

I saw Eugene look at Hugo

"Listen, Hugo, Ya may wanna run, The last guy who hurt varian ended up in a huge body cast for 2 months" Eugene warned Hugo but it was too late

Rapunzel grabbed Hugo by the ear and dragged him out of the room

"Hugo!" I yelled


It took me over an hour to find Hugo but I did, he was sitting outside covered in leaves, I was covering my mouth trying to contain my laughter

"So you should know, your sister brought me out here and she just covered me in leaves" Hugo said

I just started laughing out loud hard, I didn't know Rapunzel would do this but it is still hilarious

Hugo smirked and he stood up, Walked over to me and kissed my cheek, I blushed a bit and stopped laughing

"Cmon, I think your sister may need some cooling down time, let's head home" Hugo said

I nodded and he grabbed my hand and we went home

"So, how do you like my sister?" I asked

"She scares me" Hugo answered

I kissed him on the cheek.

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