He's mine

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Everyone in the castle doesnt Particularly like hugo so after an argument with the queen, this happens
Hugo's POV

I was having a very heated argument with Queen Rapunzel in the thrown room, It was about nothing in Particular, Just a random argument,

"Oh come on hugo, stop being so rude" Rapunzel yelled

"I am not being rude, i just accidentally broke something, it was one time" Hugo yelled back

"Hugo! You broke 5 things today! You break like 10 things a day!" Rapunzel countinued yelling

"They are all accidents!" Hugo kept yelling

The argument just countinued going on and on and on until Rapunzel yelled

"Fine, if your gonna countinue to be like this, take whats yours and leave!"

"Fine!" I yelled back, I then walked out of the throne room

Varian's POV

I was in the lab working on a serum when i heard the door slam open, i turned my head and saw hugo walk in

"Hey babe, are you ok?" I asked hugo, He didnt respond.

Instead he grabbed me and lifted me over his shoulder, I was blushing a lot

"Uh, Hugo? What are you doing?" I asked, He still didnt respond and just carried me out of the room, as he was walking, He walked past Rapunzel

"Hey Rapunzel" i said as we walked by,

"Hugo! What are you doing!?!" Rapunzel asked with a yell,

"You told me to leave and take whats mine" hugo answered

My face turned so incredibly red,

"Wait im yours?" I asked

"Yes, Your mine, and i love you" Hugo answered to me.

He then proceeded to carry me out of the castle, walking past Eugene, Lance, The guards, Basically the people who lived or worked in the castle

After about 10 minutes, He finally put me down in the village,

"Thanks Hugo" i said

Hugo kissed my cheek and smiled, Even if the people in my life dont like him, They dont see him like i do, And i will always love him

I know this is short, this was just a small idea that popped into my head, hope you like it

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