Love of an alchemist and a thief (Part 3)

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Rapunzels POV

I was sitting on my bed just looking at a picture of me and all my friends, including Varian, its been 4 weeks since we arrested Hugo and Varian has not been seen since that day, he hasn't arrived for work, he hasn't been seen around old or new Corona, i've asked people about him but people say he hasn't left his house, ive even asked his dad for help but he told me that varian did not wish to talk to anybody, not even him....... i wish i could turn back the clock and just Realize that this would ruin our friendship.

My thoughts were interrupted when i heard a knock on my door, "Come in" i answered, Eugene walked in, i smiled a bit, He walked over and sat down beside me, "Everything alright blondie?" eugene asked, i sighed

"Can i be completely honest? Everything is not alright, im worried about Varian, he hasnt showed up to the castle in weeks and noone has seen him around, This is all my fault" i spilled, Eugene put his hand on my shoulder

He sighed, "Sweetheart, i understand that this is killing you, Varian is our friend, i know you never wanted to hurt him, especially not this bad, I feel guilty as well, But i also came up here because i found this" Eugene said, he then handed me a letter, The letter was adressed to Varian from hugo, i started to read it

Dear Varian
Its me, Hugo, its been 1 month since ive been taken to this prison, i promise you someday i will break out and return to you and we can spend the rest of our lives together, just like we want.

You are the stars i see at night, your the boy i dream of everytime i close my eyes. You are my sun, my moon, my stars, You are my everything, and im sorry that we weren't able to have enough time together

But i cherish every minute i spent witb you and when i escape, We will be together forever, and im glad that i decided to stop stealing, i wouldn't have been able to do that without you

I will always love you my alchemy boy

Love Hugo

I teared up, Hugo stopped stealing for Varian,

"Blondie?" Eugene said with concern in his face, I showed Eugene the letter, and he was just as surprised as i was,

"Well, what do you wanna do sunshine? Do you wanna keep hugo locked up or release him?" Eugene asked, i sighed and smiled then nodded "im willing to give hugo another chance, love can change lots of things, even people, if hugo is willing to change for Varian, then i say lets give him that chance" i said, Eugene smiled, "then im willing to give him a second chance as well" Eugene said. I smiled and hugged him, but it was quickly interrupted by guards running by, One of them ran into the room,

"Your Magesties, Hugo escaped!" The guard said as he ran in

Hugo's POV

I was running through corona village, I needed to get to old corona to see Varian again, its been a month since i saw Varian, the last time i got to touch him was the day i had to say Bye to him, but Not anymore, today is the day im gonna see my alchemy boy again, after so many weeks.

As i was running through corona, i saw the king and queen on the horses, i quickly ran into an alleyway and hid as they rode past me, i sighed in relief as i ran out of it on the other side. It took me about 20 minutes to get out of Corona, but now i gotta get to old corona to see my varian again.

It took me an hour to get to the border of old corona on foot, but when i finally got there, I sighed in relief, Varians house was just on the other side of town, i just need to get there before someone informs the guards of my whereabouts, I snuck past buildings and hid in alleyways, until i finally managed to get to Varian's house, I slowly walked up the stairs to the front door, and even though i was nervous, i knocked on the front door and waited.

When the door open, i was met with Varians dad, "hugo?, but i thought you were arrested" Varians dad said in shock, "i was, but i broke free, i am asking you, begging you even, to please let me see varian" i said, Varians dad looked upstairs then back at me, "Varian is in his room, I will be out on the field, Im convinced your the only one who can get him out of his room" His dad said, he then walked past me out of the house, and i walked into it and made my way upstairs, I turned the corner to his room, and was about to knock when i noticed the door was unlocked, i grabbed the handle, turned it, and opened the door, and what i saw what heartbreaking.....

Varian was laying on his bed, his hair a mess, smashed beakers on the floor, and ruddiger was laying beside him,

I slowly walked over to him, avoiding the shattered glass, and rubbed his cheek, Varian looked at me and sat up, His eyes welled up with tears, "H-Hugo, How are you-" Varian started but i interrupted, "I broke out but Varian, what happened?" I asked, he teared up more, "When i lost you, i broke down, i havent left my room in weeks" He confessed, I wiped the tears away, "itll all be ok Varian" i said

~Small time skip~
Varian's POV

One Long hot shower, a nice meal later, and a clean up of my room, I feel a lot better, Hugo was sitting at my table reading a book,  i walked behind him and kissed his cheek, he smiled and grabbed my hand as i sat down beside him, "im glad to see your feeling better" He said with a smile, "Honestly, I missed you so much" I said as i hugged him, "Varian, if something happens to me again, promise me you wont go into a depression that deep again" hugo asked, i sighed and nodded, Hugo smiled and kissed my cheek, "i love you, my little alchemy boy" He said, "And I love you to" i said, i slowly started to lean in.....

Until we heard a loud knock at the door, "Varian?" The person said, the person was one of the guards

I cant let them get hugo.......Not again

(Ooooooooh, its a 4-Parter, for the 1st time ever, dont worry, i promise the next part is the last part of this AU)

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