i found my dream

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In this chapter, Varian and Hugo have a crush on eachother but are both to shy to act upon these feelings, So Rapunzel and Varians Friends decide to give them a push
Hugo's POV

It was the day of hearts, A day in corona where love is celebrated of all kinds, i was watching everyone sign the book, Like the king and Queen, Eugene and Rapunzel, Even stan and his wife, but i dont have someone to sign the book with, all though i have someone i want to sign the book with, As i was watching everyone sign the book, i felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Varian "Hey  hugo" Varian said with a smile, i smiled back, "Hey Varian, you ok?" I asked, "Sure am, Maybe someday we'll both have someone to sign the journal with" Varian said, "yeah, Maybe someday" I said, I saw that both me and Varian were both Blushing extremely badly, "S-So, i better go" i said, "Yeah, me to" Varian said before walking off.

As varian walked away, i turned back to look at the journal, i sighed then walked over to it, I was near the front, people were signing it with there partners left and right, as i was staring at the book, i noticed that Rapunzel was looking at me with the "i got an idea" smirk, i just sighed and walked away

~Time skip~
Rapunzels POV

"Cmon guys, its so obvious that they like eachother" i said as i was pacing back and forth near the castle fireplace while Eugene, Lance, Angry and Red were all sitting on the couch watching me, "i dont know sunshine, im not sure if Varian wants us setting him and hugo up" Eugene asked as he stood up, "oh come on Eugene, weve done it once with my parents, Why not try it on people we know are in love, Please?" I asked, "Ok Fine, but We are not having it be a boat this time" Eugene said, "Oh trust me, i have a way better idea, but first, we gotta get them into the forest" I said

~The next day~
Varian's POV

As i walked into the lab, i saw a note, i opened it and it ready
Hey Varian
Meet me at 8pm at the Valley in the woods tonight for a night you wont forget, Just you, Me, and the stars
My heart was beating extremely fast, was hugo asking me on a date? If so, Yes! Ive had a crush on hugo for a long time now. Now i get to go on a date with him. That sounds to good to be true

Hugo's POV
I was sitting under the great corona oak tree in the park, when i felt something slip into my pocket, i pulled it out and it was a note, it read
Hey Hugo
Meet me at the valley at 8 pm tonight, for something speciel, a night with you, me, and the stars

My heart was beating out of my chest, of course i want to spend time with Varian, ive been in love with him for years, I should go to the valley tonight and see him.

~Time skip~
Varian's POV

I walked into the valley and saw a picnic set up, but no hugo, thats so weird, i walked over and sat down on the blanket, i waitting like 2 minutes till i saw Varian walk out of the surrounding forest, with a smile on his face, "Hey Hugo" i said, "Hey Varian, Did you set this up?" Hugo asked, "No actually, it was here when i arrived, thats so weird" I answered, Hugo pulled an apple out of the basket, and took a bite out of it, "Well good news, the food is delicious and isnt poised" Hugo said, i put my hand over my mouth and tried to muffle a laugh, hugo had a smile on his face, i sat down on the blanket, and hugo did the same, we started talking about random stuff, wether it be my latest inventions or his latest discoveries, As we were talking, i saw a bunch of fire flies surround the area, "Woah", I said as i stood up, I looked at the butterflies, Hugo stood up as well, "there beautiful, arent they?" Hugo said, i nodded and smiled, as i was looking around, i felt a tug on my hand, it was hugo

"Varian, i dont know how to say this so im just gonna come right out and say it. I love you, ive been in love with you since we were 13, everyday i think of holding you, loving you, kissing you, but ive always been to scared to" Hugo confessed to me, i felt tears streaming down my face, but not sad ones, Happy ones, i cant believe it, Hugo loves me to. "I love you to Hugo, your everything ive ever dreamed of, Your my dream" i confessed back, "and your my dream" hugo said. I slowly leaned in and placed my lips on his, the kiss was absolutely amazing, his lips were so soft. When the kiss broke, i looked into Hugo's eyes and smiled "D-Did you maybe wanna sign herz de sonnes diary with me tomorrow?" Hugo asked me, i nodded and put my head in his chest and he began to play with my hair

~The next day~

I was Waitting at the place where the signing of the journal was gonna be for hugo to show up. Hes late. I sighed and was about to give up on him showing up until i felt a pair of lips on my cheek, i looked and saw Hugo with a smile on his face "Sorry about being late, i accidentally woke up late" hugo said, "its ok, Cmon, before they run out of good spots" I said as i grabbed Hugo's hand and pulled him over to where the journal was, i slowly grabbed the quill and signed my name, then moved back so Hugo could sign His name. I turned my head and saw Rapunzel with a big smile on her face as she was looking at us, I smiled back. When hugo finished writting his name, He grabbed my hand and we both walked away from where the signing was. Now that was the best day ever.

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