Wedding of the Century

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In this story, Varian and Hugo are gonna be married, Hugo is 22, and Varian is 20, just so you dont think that 2 teens are getting married, i got inspired from A picture by the_Brokenartist on Instagram, and by a tik tok by crystal.asl, its the Haikyuu wedding Tik tok, so i hope you enjoy.
Hugo's POV

It was the night before mine and Varians wedding, me and Varian are both staying in the castle tonight but on Opposite sides of the castle, i was looking at my tux when i saw Eugene walk in "Hi Eugene" i said as i looked at him "Hey kid, so you excited? Tomorrow is yours and Varians wedding day" he said as he leaned against the wall. I nodded, "Your one lucky guy, the wedding is here in the Palace, while the party is in the court yard, and the entire kingdom is coming to it, including a few others from outside the kingdom" Eugene said, "Me and Varian are very happy with the turn out, were glad its happening in the throne room and in the court yard, im glad you guys care so much about Varian and me" i said as i finished Cleaning up my suit, "of course we do, were friends and we understand that this means a lot to you guys" Eugene said, then he yawned "Well, i better head off to bed, Goodnight hugo" "Goodnight Eugene" i said as he walked off. I looked at the tux one more time, then walked over to my bed, layed down, and fell asleep

~The next day~

I awoke to my door being opened loudly, i sat up and saw Lance at the door "Good morning mr groom, it is time to start preparations" He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room, "First on the list is to show the groom the venue" Lance countinued, he lead me into the thrown room where there was benches, a long red carpet that lead up to where the throwns were, an arch near the thrones, flower, and Some Green and Blue corona flags strung across the wall "This place is amazing" i said as i kept looking around, I saw Rapunzel at the end, she saw me and waved me over, i walked over "Hi Hugo, You excited for today?" She asked, I nodded "of course i am, i get to marry the love of my life" i said, then i sighed "i just wish my mother would approve of this marriage, mine and Varians moms used to work together, but after Varians moms death, Everyone accused my mom of killing ulla, turns out the rumors are true and im worried My mom will try and hurt Varian" "Well dont worry, we have our best guards here, along with Varians dad, Noone is going near Varian or you without permission, the next time youll see Varian, is when he is walking down the isle with his father" Rapunzel said, i smiled and nodded, i then heard someone else call me over, i walked over. This wedding will be just fine, im sure Everything is gonna be ok, and im sure Varian is handling everything just fine

~Time skip~
Varian's POV

Im a nervous wreck, the wedding is in 2 hours, Right now, Nuru is helping me with my Veil and white suit, while yong is with hugo, i had my head down as Nuru was helping me with my veil, and Rapunzel was helping me with my suit jacket, "Thanks so much for the help guys" i said as nuru finished fixing my veil "Awwww no Problem Varian, Its what friends are for, now red and angry come out first, then Max and Pascal, then us Groomsladies come out, then the Grooms men, and then finally, You and your dad" Rapunzel said as she was looking at a scroll, i nodded and looked in the mirror, i was star struck "Wooah, is that what i really look like?" I said in awww, "Yes, you look amazing" Nuru said as she was brushing her hair, My Groomsladies were Rapunzel, Nuru, Cassandra, and Friedborg. Im glad to have them with me. "So, do you guys know where my dad is?" I asked, "Your dad should be here soon" Cassandra said as she was brushing Rapunzels hair, i then heard a knock on the door, it opened and my dad walked in, "Hi dad" i said "Hello son, wow, you look amazing" my dad said as he walked over to me, i smiled "thanks dad" i said as he hugged me, i hugged back, "Dad, what was it like when you married mom?" I asked "it was the best day of my life, she was so beautiful, it took place in old corona, just before you were born" my dad answered. I looked at my friends, they were all so happy, im glad they support me and hugo....hopefully everything will be perfect

~Time skip~
Hugo's POV

I was standing at the end of the ile, with shorty, who is the administrator, i was also with Eugene, Lance, Yong, and Stan, while on Varian's side, Was Rapunzel, Cassandra, Nuru, and Friedborg, i saw Red and angry come down the ile, Red was kinda annoyed so she was just dumping flowers in a path, while red who was less annoyed was throwing handfuls of flowers, but hey, it still looks great, i then saw Pascal and Max come down with the rings, they looked nice with there bow ties, everyone then stood up from their chairs and hook hand started playing the piano, i saw the 2 bigs doors open and there was Varian and his dad walk through, Varian looked amazing, he had a white tux and a white tie on, and he has a veil on as well, he looked amazing, i kept looking at him as he walked down the ile, when he got up to me, his father hugged him, Then quirrin shook my hand and after that, i took both of Varians hand and we stood across from eachother, everyone sat back down as Shorty said all his stuff.

After shorty finished his part, Varian said his vows to me, which were beautiful (im sorry, i cant think of anything for the vows), i then said my vows to him after he was finished, when i finished mine, "Do you....." Shorty said, but he didnt remember Varians name "Varian" Varian said "Yes Varian, Take this blonde guy to be your husband?" Shorty continued, "i do" Varian said, i smiled, "and do you, uhhhh?" Shorty started "Hugo" i said "Hugo, Take this guy to be your husband?" Shorty countinued "i do" i said "by the laws of corona, i know prononce you both, Husbands, you 2 can kiss now" Shorty said as he got off the box he was standing on. I lifted up the part of the veil that covered his face, put both my hands on his cheeks and kissed him, he kissed back and put his hands on my wrists, i heard cheering from everyone in the room, i smiled brightly when the kiss was over, just looking at my handsome husband, "i love you Varian" i said quietly to him, with my hands still on his cheeks "I love you to hugo" Varian said, as his hands still hang onto my wrist.

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