There is more in you (Part 1 of 3)

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Ok, this takes place during the series finale, now spoilers ahead, During the series finale of Tangled the series, Quirin (Varian's Dad), Adira, and Hector were under the control of the moonstone trinket, My idea is that Hugo, Nuru, and Yong were under the control as well, and the story behind how Varian's friends got the Tattoo is When Varian was younger, he gave himself and his friends the Tattoo's of the Brotherhood, not knowing what the Tattoo meant and just found the symbol on a piece of paper, he put it on himself as well but when his dad found out, His dad made him remove the Tattoo, but Varian didn't tell his dad that he already gave his friends the tattoo and made it permanent on them, and as years passed, he forgot his friends had the Tattoo (I know in the show they need the blood oath, but for the plot purposes, they only need the Tattoo). It will also be a 3 parter. Now enjoy the story


Eugene's POV

after the song was finished, Most of the people ran out of the snuggly duckling, i saw that Quirin had forgotten his pitchfork, i grabbed it and walks out the door just after Quirin, "Quirin" i said, he turned around and i threw the pitch fork to him, He caught it and had a smirk on his face, But i noticed something else, He had the brotherhood tattoo on his hand, He turned away and walked back over to the group.

Wait a minute, so does that mean Varians dad is under the control of the moonstone trinket as well, Varian is gonna be so heartbroken by it.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when i felt a hand on my shoulder, i looked and saw Rapunzel, "are you ok Eugene?" Rapunzel asked, "Yeah of course" i answered i then walked into the snuggly duckling again, And saw that Hugo, Nuru, and Yong were all standing close to varian as he read the book he was, Then i noticed something, they all had the Tattoo on their hands, but thats impossible, they were never part of the Brotherhood

~Varian's POV~

As i was reading, i discovered a page that described a portal that can send Zhan tiri back to a place called the lost realm, Maybe if i rebuilt it, we can send her back but i dont have the plans for it. My thoughts were interrupted by a kiss on my cheek, i looked and saw my boyfriend Hugo, I giggled

"So babe, Whatcha reading about?" Hugo asked me, whispering the part babe

"Well i found out about a portal that can send Zhan tiri back to a place called the lost realm" i explained to him, Nuru, yong, Rapunzel, and Eugene chimed in on our conversation,

"Do you think you could rebuild it?" Rapunzel asked,

"If i had the plans, but all of The blue prints were taken to demantis's tomb" i answered

"Let me guess, the tomb is thousands of years old and noone knows where it is" Eugene asked with a sarcastic tone in his voice, "well i wouldn't say noone" Rapunzel answered, "i have a bad feeling about this" Eugene said

I giggled a little bit, "Roadtrip!" Katalina yelled as she ran in with Angry.

"Im coming too!" Lance yelled with Excitement,

"I know im going" i said as i put my book down,

"Well i guess we will stay here" Nuru said as she pointed at all of us,

"Awww, Cmon, im sure itll be fun" i said,

Hugo rolled his eyes playfully and whispered in my ear "im guessing that the place has snow and i hate the snow, but dont worry, ill still write you a letter i write for every trip you go on". I blushed a light tint

"Well alright, ill see ya guys when we get back" i said while trying not to stutter

I hugged nuru and yong, and kissed Hugo's cheek when noone was looking

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