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We have a jealous Oneshot yall, requested by Reckitt_Benchkiser01, Hope yall enjoy
Hugo's POV

I was sitting in the park of corona, just waiting for my boyfriend Varian to show up, He is 10 minutes late for our hangout.

I saw Varian walking over with a girl, the girl looked to be about 16, she has Blue eyes, and Brown hair, she was also wearing a dress that mostly only people of royalty would wear.

I stood up from the bench i was sitting on, and got a hug from Varian, I hugged him back, when the hug broke, he pointed to the girl

"Hugo, I want you to meet my new friend, her name is Amy," Varian said

Amy put her hand out to shake mine, I reluctantly shook back, we shook hands for a few seconds before stopping

Varian and Amy started talking to each other and Varian was very happy while talking to her.

I put my arm around his waist and kissed his forehead, I heard Varian giggle, he's so cute when he Giggles, I glared at Amy, no one gets to steal my varian away from me, Noone!

Varian smiled up at me, I smiled down at him.

"Wow, your usually not affectionate, something going on?" Varian asked

"Oh, nothing, cant I just show my wonderful boyfriend how much I love him?" I asked with a smirk

Varian giggled, and wrapped his arms around my neck, he hugged me tightly, as me and varian were hugging, I just smirked.

~Time skip~

I was pacing back and forth in the planning room of the castle, I don't know why every time i see amy and Varian hanging out together, i feel mad about it, this usually doesn't happen, Varian has a bunch of friends and he hangs out with them a bunch of times but how come whenever he is with Amy, I just don't like it!!

As I was pacing back and forth, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and saw Eugene and lance,

"Hey kid, are you alright?" Eugene asked me

I sighed

"No, ever since that Girl Amy came to the kingdom and has been hanging out with Varian, I've just felt angry and annoyed, I don't like it when they hang out together" I answered

"Well blondie, id say that you are jealous of amy" lance said

"What? me? jealous? pfft as if" I said

Eugene and Lance both crossed their arms and smirked,

I started thinking for a sec, Am i jealous? i do hate when Amy and Varian are hanging out, plus i feel mad whenever i see them together, yeah im jealous

"Ok, yes i am jealous" i admitted

~Time skip~

I was walking with Varian and Amy and They were talking as usual, i am honestly getting so fed up with this, its driving me insane.

I put my arm around Varian's shoulder and pull him closer to me, i saw the blush on his face rise and he smiled before he leaned up and kissed my cheek, i smiled, I love when he does this

But after he kissed me, he immediately went back to talking to amy, Oh come on!

You know what!?! I am so done with amy!?!

I picked up Varian bridal style and glared at Amy

"Varian is mine!" I yelled in her face before walking off carrying Varian in my arms

~Time skip~

I took Varian to his lab and dropped him on the floor, before sitting in one of the chairs he has

"Hugo, what was that all about!?!" Varian asked Angrily,

I just sat there, i saw Varian look at me for a few seconds before his face changed to Realization

"Your jealous, arent you?" Varian asked as he stood up, i sighed and nodded

Varian walked over to me and placed his hands on my cheeks before he leaned in and kissed me right on the lips, i kissed him back,

When the kiss broke, i started my rant

"Its not my fault, you 2 are always hanging out, i feel like she is trying to get with you and im honestly feeling like she might be into you"

As i was ranting, i saw Varian crossing hi arms and smirking

I looked at him for a sec before realizing my mistake

"-and she is gay, isnt she?" I asked

Varian nodded before Explaining

"Amy is Nuru's Crush, and amy has been asking me for advice on asking her out, She plans to ask her out tonight"

I blushed in Embarrassment before banging my head down on Varians desk, Varian giggled before he kissed me on the cheek

"Hugo, you need to Apologize for yelling at her earlier" Varian said to me

I took a deep breath before nodding


Me and Varian found Amy sitting on the park bench talking to nuru, When Amy saw me, she walked over and hugged me, i was extremely confused

Nuru was watching with a smile, and Varian was smiling as well,

"Listen amy, i am so sorry about earlier, the truth is I was extremely jealous, and thought you were trying to steal varian from me" i Explained to amy

"Oh, its alright, the truth is, i am actually gay and im dating nuru right now, i just asked her out and she said yes" amy said

Nuru blew a kiss to amy, she caught it and smiled, Thats really sweet

"Congrats to both of you" i said to amy and nuru

"Thanks hugo" nuru said

I looked at varian and smiled, he smiled back,

Hes right, i have no reason to be jealous, i just have to trust him

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