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Varian's POV

I was sitting on a log doing some research on one of the totems we have, its actually really fascinating, Nuru, Yong, and Hugo disappeared a while ago, but i thought nothing of it, i just let them do their own thing, Yong is probably finding stuff for his Fireworks, Nuru is probably studying on why the meteor destroyed her kingdom, and Hugo is probably reading or something, i don't really know much about Hugo's interests, but still, every single time i see him, my face gets red and i cant help but smile, no matter how much i hate his face, i still like it. I dont get that logic either

I kept studying the totem until i felt like someone was watching me, i turned and saw Nuru walk over, "Hey Nuru, where have you been all day?" I asked, She just Smirked and then i felt a blind fold go over my eyes, i couldn't see anything and i bumped into a tree, i felt someone grab my hand and help me up, then i felt 2 hands pull me to a location, i could tell it was 2 people pulling me, i didnt feel any of them have a glove on so im guessing nuru and yong are pulling me somewhere, but where are they pulling me

~Time skip~

I felt the blindfold get taken off my head, and when the darkness left, i saw Hugo tied up with a Vine covered in flowers and a bow on his head, i Blushed so badly and then i started laughing my butt off, as i was laughing though, Nuru handed me a letter and said "Hugo wrote this for you". I opened the folded piece of paper and it read
Hey Varian

Im just gonna skip to the good part, i have a massive crush on you, the way you believe in everyone, the way your eyes light up when your discovering something new, i want you to be the first pair of eyes i see in the morning and then last ones i see at night, your the one person i never want to hurt, and i hope you like me to

Love Hugo

I was Blushing very badly and so was hugo, Nuru and Yong were already gone, im guessing they went back to camp, I walked over to hugo and put both my hands on his cheeks, i lightly put my lips onto his, i felt him kiss back, and his lips....they felt absolutely amazing, I know Hugo isnt my 1st but i want him to be the only person i kiss for the rest of my life, hes the one i want to be with.

When the kiss broke, me and hugo were Blushing slightly, i grabbed out a dagger and used it to free him, when he was free, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, and then i felt him put a flower in my hair, it was a blue rose, i smiled and held his hand tightly, as we both walked to the camp together.

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